GWC Podcast #74

I thought the quote he was refferring to was “Are these tests to see if I’m a replicant or a lesbian, Mr Deckard?”:smiley:

…it has just been reveraled that theses tests are to see if you’re a replicant:D

I just want to say I thought Kendra’s accent (Brit, Aussie, Canadian, whatever) was really hot. Thanks for that comment on the cast. I do not remember who did point that out originally, but kudos!

Sean, any more to add?:stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I’m clean out of theories at the moment.:confused:

Totally agreed! I started a thread about the movie over in News/Suggestions…please contribute!

On kind of a related point, I think that the GWC’s can be a little hard on Adama for the whole Cally situation. I know RDM stated in his podcast that he thinks that Adama was capable of shooting Cally, but as you’ve argued before the viewer is free to make his or her own interpretation. Basically, I don’t think that Adama would have actually shot Cally. The just had to make a threat so severe that the Chief was forced to capitulate. As a military man Tyrol has to follow orders, and Adama had to find a way for Chief to give in before Adama could make any concessions himself. It would have been an interesting situation had the Chief not actually given in and not called off the strike. While Adama may have been capable of having Cally shot (I don’t think he was though) he probably realized that he would have lost too much support from other officers if he had gone through with it. On the other hand, he also risks losing his authority if he lets the Chief skate. I guess I do agree with Chuck that there was a failure in leadership, but the failure came before when he and the Prez failed to realized the seriousness of the situation on the processing ship. However, once he realized it he had to construct a situation where the Chief had to capitulate unconditionally, yet he did it in a way where the Chief didn’t lose face and thus was still capable of negotiating a resolution to the situation. Somewhat crafty actually. I think that once the Chief realized that the meeting between him and the Prez was already set up before the threat to Cally, that he was able to see Adama’s real intent.

Good catch.

I don’t know, Phil. I tend to agree with Sean on this one. If I’d been in Tyrol’s position I would’ve torn Adama’s voice box out of his neck with my bare hands and faced the consequences later. Authority or not, that’s my frakking family and you’d better not lay a finger on them.

Then again, I’ve never been in a situation where someone with great power, with military force to back it up at that, has threatened the lives of my family, so I fear that I’m really talking out of my backside. I do agree, though, that ultimately Adama would’ve turned away from that path and not shot Cally. He’s too honorable a man for that.

Now, if only I’d had time to listen to the podcast this week, I’d know the larger context. I hope you don’t mind, guys. :frowning:

Podcast # 74…
forever to be known as


thanks Audra !!

On another front, how heartwrenching were the final scenes from E2 as the hanger bays filled with survivors, (?), what with the juxtaposition of Adama’s adoration by the masses and Tigh’s complete sense of loss…just really effective. You wanted to pluck these two from the scene and put them in a room with a big square Galactica bottle of whiskey, so they could just wind down and talk for awhile. It was very clear Adama wanted to be with his friend, and knew that his friend needed him, but the duties of his position pulled him away, to his obvious regret. And Tigh, just destroyed, rock-bottomed-out, shuffling away into the crowd as his friend is lifted onto the crowd’s shoulders as a hero…
On a technical note, with an entire soundstage full of people yelling, laughing, celebrating, we were able to focus on and feel the pain of these two characters…kudos to the BSG writers and the Director,(as usual), a wonderful job !!

Topgun, I totally agree. That scene, with Tigh and Kara both looking like someone just killed their puppy set against the background of the triumphant rescue always makes me tear up. Especially with the looks that pass back and forth between Adama and Tigh. You just know that the two of them are going to have a hard frakking time fitting back into their old roles. Also, it really highlights the similarities between Tigh and Kara that usually cause them to feel such antipathy toward one another. And, as always, fab music from Bear McCreary.

I have been walking around with Bear’s music on my iPod for awhile now…It is AWESOME and always drags me out of reality and into a Galactica scene whenever I listen !!
Bear Rocks !!

You know, you’re a pretty sensitive person for someone who has a pair of buttcheeks for an avatar !! :slight_smile:

…it has just been revealed that the next podcast will have Boob scenes. Now go to Quizno’s and get a damn sam-mich:D

“You did it Saul. You brought them home”
“Not all of them.”


Okay…note to self…don’t eat dinner while reading GWC. Good one Top!

I really, really enjoy this forum, guys and gals. Soooo much !:slight_smile:

Bought Barbie’s Nutcracker DVD for the little one. When the kids break the nutcracker and the uncle fixes it, I thought fondly of Chuck’s dad fixing the Princess Leia action figure. Not doll. Action figure.

I generally try to ween 'em on better stuff than Barbie, but a little candy in the diet is OK.

that may be the best thing anyone has ever said about me, ever : )

Hey all

i am late listening to this week’s cast. Fun to hear all the energy around Razor.

Audra: Emily Dickinson, oui?


I’ve been lucky enough that my five year old has never been interested in Barbie (she has one she got for her birthday last year from my aunt) mostly because her mother (my wife) doesn’t want her to grow up with an unrealistic view of women’s body. So far, so good.

Still, she REALLY likes My Little Pony, and the one MLP DVD she owns is about the most sacharine thing I’ve ever seen. It’s conducive to mental diabetes!

What got a hook in her was the dancing aspect of the Barbie’s 12 Dancing Princesses DVD. At least now, the girls think Tchaikovsky is “princess music,” and they’re glad to listen to it.

And the Barbie Nutcracker DVD, to be fair, is more engaging than most ballet adaptations of the story.

And Barbie Pegasus? Nothing to do with the BSG version.

I’d try to turn the older one off to the whole Barbie thing, but she has pretty much the same brain I have. And I seriously doubt I’d be here typing a note in this sci-fi forum if my dadn’t hadn’t tried so hard to convince me that Planet of the Apes WASN’T cool.

This is how us hardcore players roll.

Cheers. Hope all’s going well with the little one!

Whoah. I’m just picturing a special edition “Pegasus” Barbie.