This week: Bioware guru Casey Hudson clues us in on Mass Effect 2’s characters, story, and awesome new gameplay features. We talk damn dirty apes in this week?s classic sci-fi feature, Planet of the Apes – including Sean’s Moses run-in. And our fantasy sci-fi teams struggle to get lucky with red-carpet hotties. We also run down the week in geek, including a killer (if possibly fake) Tekken movie trailer, Caprica’s increasingly-less-accurately-described “premiere,” Spider-Man 4’s ugly end (and new beginning), a newly-announced Firefly short story collection, and Scott Bakula’s upcoming return to Chuck.
Been reloading every 15 minutes for this. d:
Maybe I don’t understand the scoring system, but I thought each category was scored independently. That would mean that Audra did win the entertainment category.
Oh, and I am a he and didn’t say Saruman ordering them to stop was my solution. I was establishing that I thought it would be cheating.
It does has some fan made quality to the video.
But, IMDB lists it.
Even has Trivia.
Agreed about Shia. Too buff.
More Firefly! Yay!
You guys should talk about Chuck with spoilers. d:
Wow. Never noticed the lighter skin thing.
Black guy died at the beginning. Was that the start of the cliche? ^^
“Going to be some long nights…”
The ending of the original PotA is like an M Night Shyamalan ending of today basically.
Haha! I hive minded with Sean.
Great Heston story, Sean! My first time hearing it.
Interesting read, even though it’s wikipedia.
Great joke about the doctor, Sean.
Chuck hasn’t seen Watchmen?! He should!
Blanches at the scenario Oooh… That’s hard!!
M********l junk report! You’ve outdone yourselves.
I hadn’t played Halo, so I had to look it up.
Really? On a date?
Lol. Took me a moment to get the Cap O (trying not to spoil it) joke. I couldn’t understand what was said.
I like the longer length myself. 2.5 hours? Sure!
Great cast as always! One problem Chuck. Why didn’t you ask Casey about those frakkin elevators? Oh, and better lap dances please.
Awe, crap… d:
I believed they addressed the elevators in one of the Dev previews. I forgot what was said, but here’s the vid:
The Simpsons’ Planet of the Apes musical, Stop the Planet of the Apes – I Want to Get off, is (for my money) one of the show’s high points. Troy McClure stars.
(audio only)
dxf, I always think of Planet of the Apes the Musical when I watch Planet of the Apes.
“Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!”
I read that Charlton Heston got conned unwittingly into giving a speech about gun control. He didn’t realise the allegory until someone told him much later.
A number of people duped him in his late years, or tried to use his old age as ammunition against the NRA. Michael Moore is one example. In general, I enjoy Michael Moore’s lampooning. The world needs people like him to take such extreme angles, and though I don’t always agree with him completely, I often take the core of his point. The cut of his interview with Heston in Bowling for Columbine was more sad than meaningful. His purchasing of ammo at Wal-Mart made the point quite effectively.
Funny story: I was in Academy (a sporting goods shop) w/Audra, who was picking up some workout clothes. As I wandered looking for some fun stuff to post on Toolmonger, I happened to walk by the gun counter. Overheard between a 70+ year old lady (holding a Glock 9mm) and the sales guy: “So how do I get the mail in rebate?” “Um, you have to send in this form.” “Do I have to wait for it, too?”
Also on sale: plastic large mags for your AR-15, apparently the weapon of choice for ranchers.
that’s either one cool grandma, or a terminator in disguise…
Audra: I voted for you
Chuck: That’s, very nice. I voted for Sean
Sean: I abstained, courteously.
1776 FTW!
Nice, sir. (Though I voted for Audra.)
Nothing like misquoting something while actually listening to it. Sorry.
No problem. The 1776 bit is awesome. I’ll pretend for purposes of this that I voted Sean. It’s worth it.
I’m caught up!
No real reason to mention this, excepting that I haven’t been.
Now, on to StarShipSofa. sighs
A few notes:
1) If you haven't, see the BEHIND THE PLANET OF THE APES doc. It
originally aired on AMC (when it was good) and on DVD (look for the
2-Disc POTA special edition). You find out why for the Flintstone
housing and if it wasn't for Chuck Heston and director Franklin
Schaffner, the movie would of never been made.
2) Conservatives are not anti-civil rights. If you look at the voting
for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 80% of Republicans and 62% of
Democrats voted for and the Democrats had the majority. Who
voted against it, Robert Byrd of WV, Al Gore Sr of Tennesse both
Democrats. So don't assume. I know not every Liberal is anti-gun
and pro-choice.
- Chuck, I’m sorry but Tim Burton’s version is terrible. I groaned when
Marky-Mark grabbed Micheal Duncan’s foot and Duncan bastardizes
Heston’s “Damn dirty ape…” Though, seeing Heston’s cameo was
I hope I wasn’t preachy and I don’t want to cause a fight, just wanted to voice opinion, not offend.
In the News section, Audra mention’s High School Musical’s Zac Efron
In case anyone didn’t know, Efron played a scene as a young Simon Tam in Firefly:
holy crap, that was him? in Safe, the kids and the dad spoke the best Mandarin lines in that show.
By the way, the news paper has “The American Job Market…” as it’s headline.
I like young Simon saying to young River:
Simon “You’re supposed to be learning your dance routine.”