GWC Podcast #108

Depends… do zey know nussing?

Another language point: In eps 1-2-3, all characters from all languages speak English. Or, at least, that’s what we’re exposed to. But the presence of alien languages in 4-5-6 are one element I think makes the classic trilogy more rich.

Regarding R2-Dialogue, the guy who create WALL-E’s speech (if not dialogue, exactly) is the same guy that created R2D2’s systematic beeps and whistles.

Still making my way through the podcast: Regarding the Yoda-Palpatine fight, when Palpatine is hurling senate chairs and office supplies at Yoda, symbolism isn’t Lucas’s raison detre, but maybe it’s symbolic – like in The Firm movie, Tom Cruise beating the guy with his briefcase?

As far as what happened to Yoda next, maybe he didn’t go directly into hiding. What if he tried to get a job before he settled in on Dagobah?

Yoda’s Job Interview:

[Ext., office on outer-rim planet Scranton-8, shot of a paper company office. Cut to int., office. Yoda is seated at a desk, across from a middle-manager type in a suit. Yoda looks slightly uncomfortable, white hair slicked to the side, dressed in an old navy suit and space tie. The man across the desk holds a résumé.]

Manager: So, Yoda… Is it just Yoda?

Yoda: Yes.

Manager: This résumé is two pages –

Yoda: Taught to do it that way, were we at the Jedi Temple.

Manager: Really? I learned that it should always be one page, period.

Yoda: Much experience have I.

Manager: Yes. It says you were the leader of the Jedi Order for over 75 years. That’s a long time to be at one company… how old are you?

Yoda: Ask that you cannot. Against intergalactic law it is.

Manager: Yes, yes. [Thumbing back and forth between pages] It says the Force is strong with you… Do you know XML?

Yoda: Worked with battle and protocol droids I have. And can build lightsabers.

Manager: We really don’t use lightsabers here. Are you good with Photoshop?

[ Yoda gives a blank stare, then waves hand slowly from left to right ]

Manager: Well, you wouldn’t have to use Photoshop much… These references you have listed here – you know, I was taught that you shouldn’t list references. I always put “available upon request.” Anywho, you say that they’re all dead. Was that part of the Jedi extermination you refered to in your cover letter?

Yoda: Yes, the Emperor’s Order #66. Dead, Qui-Gon is. Gone, he is not.

Manager: Well, yes. My point is, all the people in this Order you ran until recently are dead, and I saw the intergalactic news footage of the temple on fire. As a former manager, I’m sure you can understand why that gives me pause.


Yoda: Good with people, I am.

Manager: Yes, funny you should mention that. This is an amazing coincidence, but after I graduated, I used to share an apartment with Anakin Skywalker on Coruscant. He said you WEREN’T so good with people.

[ Yoda gulps ]

Just as a side note James Earl Jones is an admitted stutterer, that IS the way he speaks because he is consciously trying not to stutter. THat is not to say Lucas didn’t ask him to play up the way he speaks, but it is not really fake for him.

In other instances I absolutely agree with you. With Vader, that IS the voice of Vader, everyone who hears it knows who it is. Heck when JEJ was doing the VO stuff for CNN I still thought VADER!

excellent, dxf! that was hysterical!!!

well, at least until Jedi when Lucas apparently decided that the spoken Huttese we heard should match, syllable for syllable, the translation onscreen.

That is weird! IIRC, the original (non-special edition) version of Jedi had subtitles for the Huttese in the German language version but there was no translation for the alien languages in the original English version. I could be mistaken, though.

That was AWESOME dxf! The kind of this I wish I’d thot of :smiley:
Favorite line: “… It says the Force is strong with you… Do you know XML?”

yup, you are. otherwise how could I have been annoyed all these years? (I didn’t see it in German :D)

well, not all the alien languages had subtitles, but Jabba had them except when 3P0 was translating for him

So the Storm Troopers are not clones? Am I understanding this correctly? It would explain why they can’t hit the broadside of barn.

Yep, I get that, too.

I make the effort never to assume. When intruiged, I actually do the courtesy of asking with genuine interest. Never had a bad experience that way.

heh-heh. uh.

I can understand that, but I hardly have any control over it. They don’t seem to get that.

Oh yeah. Been there, gotten that kind of craaaap.

In one economic instance, I grabbed my collar and examined it closely- then said, “Oh! I didn’t realize my blue collar was showing! Terribly sorry!”

It was pretty funny, and got exactly the reaction I was going for. Never had trouble in that quarter again!

well, maybe if they looked like this:

that’s very intersting, however…I think the follwoing may have driven Vader into the chamber

<object width=“512” height=“323”><param name=“movie” value=“” /><param name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true” /><param name=“bgcolor” value="#000000" /><param name=“flashVars” value=“id=3800987&vid=1005933&lang=en-us&intl=us&thumbUrl=http%3A//” /><embed src=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“512” height=“323” allowFullScreen=“true” bgcolor="#000000" flashVars=“id=3800987&vid=1005933&lang=en-us&intl=us&thumbUrl=http%3A//” ></embed></object>:D

I likes it

course the below would drive anyone into the isolation chamber

What’s cool about that Clip is that Amed Best is actually doing the voice of Jarjar.

Another language point: In eps 1-2-3, all characters from all languages speak English. Or, at least, that’s what we’re exposed to. But the presence of alien languages in 4-5-6 are one element I think makes the classic trilogy more rich.

That’s not not true. There is a lot of Huttese spoken in Episode 1. Besides Sebulba, you have Anakin, Watto, the pod race announcer(one head is speaking english and the other Huttese),market vendor, and Anni’s little Rodian friend all speaking Huttese.

Regarding R2-Dialogue, the guy who create WALL-E’s speech (if not dialogue, exactly) is the same guy that created R2D2’s systematic beeps and whistles.

Yep. Ben Burt did not only create R2-D2’s voice, but practically every sound you hear in all 6 movies was created by Burt. Everything from the blaster shots to the humming lightsaber. He even created all the foreign languages spoken in the movie.

Yay for people speaking Spanish!

Of course there are regional varieties, and even within the same geographical area it varies according to class, age, and sometimes gender (oh for the times I’ve been told, um women don’t really use that word, dear).

And it goes beyond “accent,” that is, pronunciation… the vocabulary changes, which is part of why even though I’m a native-fluency Spanish speaker, I can’t understand a lot of Puerto Rican Spanish… and even grammar at times, if we want to talk about the use of the voseo.

The only problem for me with the different accents and usage patterns is that I am so used to my own (and my family’s) that some of the other ones sound kind of funny, particularly because of cultural references. Every time I hear a strong accent from DF, it makes me think of El Chavo del Ocho…

Why am I not surprised I agree with you again, Audra? :wink:

My favorite thing about the misunderstanding language/someone’s appearance is when people speak Spanish not realizing I understand every single word. Particularly men who like to talk about women’s attributes. And when I turn around and ask them if they’d say those things in front of their wives or mothers, they turn beet red and start apologizing. It’s deeply satisfying.

Shhh. No one tell.

OMG!!! It’s in Texas too!

I smell a lawsuit…

When I moved from Illinois to Florida I thought I would need a translation book. I feel sorry for anyone trying to learn English from an American. :o


especially the phone call from vader explaining how the death star has been blown up by a bunch of f**** ing teenagers!!!

“so i threw the senate at him!! THE WHOLE SENATE!! true story!”

although i was not implying that ben’s ghost drove him to the chamber…ben appeared to vader while vader was meditating :slight_smile:

My mother lives in south Florida. Since she has brown eyes and dark brown hair many people start speaking to her in Spanish before English. The only Spanish she knows is from two years in school.