GWC Podcast #108

This week we check out Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Highlights: we rejoice in the magic moment when Vader dons his helmet (and bag on his NOOOOOOOOOOOOO reaction a bit), comment on Padme’s womb of holding, note that Aunt Beru is actually quite hot, hear Audra’s Ep. III hair analysis (read: Padme++, Anakin++, Obi’s Beard–), and thoroughly delve into Anakin’s deliverance to the dark side and what it means for next week’s New Hope.

first, LOL

Arrrrrrrrrrrr revelation!

I always love the smell of freshly baked cookies.

first off this is the first podcast i’ve listened to since joining the forum and i was so excited after reading everyone’s posts all week to hear them on the call ins and put voices to names!! very cool!! :smiley:

it is a classic greek archetype/lesson ~ prophecy of some unwanted event and when the hero tries to change his destiny, he inevitably brings about the unwanted outcome

the nooooo shoulda come AS the helmet was lowered over his face! i hated hearing all those words of concern spewing out of darth vaders mouth and think george shoulda stuck with the anakin with his mask off and vader with his mask on theme started in return of the jedi and it particularly bothered me to hear him referred to as vader without the vader mask/armor on!! thought it woulda been cool if the first time we heard vader’s name mentioned was in NH when leia says it “darth vader…only you could be so bold” what a great intro that woulda been and tie in from sith to new hope

did it take twenty years to build the death star?? or did the first few suffer the same fates as babylons 1-4??

she’s dead and she still looks better than me!! TOO FUNNY!! :smiley:

LOVE That you addressed that whole nightie with the pearls no woman would sleep in that!! another example of how outta touch lucas is!! LOL

so chuck has the thing with bionic arms and audra wants a bionic crotch LOL!! you guys crack me up!!

turkeys can fly wkrp!! lol!!

Aw livia your sig is so squicky

what’s squicky? i just feel so very passionately about this particular point and thought a visual aid might help get my point across :smiley:

Here ya go Livia, straight from Urban Dictionary:


  1. To make one feel sick or disgusted.
  2. To squick over a bizarre and distasteful situation.
  3. My friend Brad in a speedo. mentally squicking right now

ie. “That squicks me muchly.”

“I am completely squicked at the image.”

“How squicky!!”

Yay for Casilda’s call in.

YAY!! that’s exactly what i was going for!! so y’all can feel my pain!! cause leia being luke’s sister makes me feel SUPER squicky!! :smiley:

I just finished the cast. You guys did another wonderful job. You are always entertaining.

This vid. is for the rev. and his love for the Fett.


I thought you were gonna post


That vid is Awesome!!! Thanks.

More SW beats


Search SW gangster rap 2 on youtube for a second rap. I’d post the vid here, but it has a lot of curse words.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen that video. It is very good.

Dude, I want a hair droid.

And obviously, her hair droid couldn’t have been a Wallace creation… it actually works correctly! :wink:

(I like the DVD extras when they talk about creating the costumes… Padme definitely has the best costumes!)


I spoke more slowly. I’m working on it, I promise. Plus, as you might recall, I have lots to say about this movie haha.

for Audra: another dude with yellow eyes

it’s just “quicky” with a typo.

Wow Audra, that is what makes you the coolest.:cool: Just one question, does Palpatine get whiplash when he has a bad case of gas?:wink:

Episode IV - During The Attack On The Death Star…

…The Force is strong in this one.
Remember as far as Vader was concerned, the Jedi were basically extinct and for the Sith there was only Palpatine and Vader. After sensing a new person displaying control of the Force, after so long, A simple mind probe would have given Vader all the information he needed to know.

Also do not forget that Vader had the power of precognition. Could he have forseen the battle on the Bespin?

Hey Lady D, love the new Avatar. lol.