first off this is the first podcast i’ve listened to since joining the forum and i was so excited after reading everyone’s posts all week to hear them on the call ins and put voices to names!! very cool!!
it is a classic greek archetype/lesson ~ prophecy of some unwanted event and when the hero tries to change his destiny, he inevitably brings about the unwanted outcome
the nooooo shoulda come AS the helmet was lowered over his face! i hated hearing all those words of concern spewing out of darth vaders mouth and think george shoulda stuck with the anakin with his mask off and vader with his mask on theme started in return of the jedi and it particularly bothered me to hear him referred to as vader without the vader mask/armor on!! thought it woulda been cool if the first time we heard vader’s name mentioned was in NH when leia says it “darth vader…only you could be so bold” what a great intro that woulda been and tie in from sith to new hope
did it take twenty years to build the death star?? or did the first few suffer the same fates as babylons 1-4??
she’s dead and she still looks better than me!! TOO FUNNY!!
LOVE That you addressed that whole nightie with the pearls no woman would sleep in that!! another example of how outta touch lucas is!! LOL
so chuck has the thing with bionic arms and audra wants a bionic crotch LOL!! you guys crack me up!!
turkeys can fly wkrp!! lol!!