GWC Podcast #108

that’s so awesome!! i have the same problem!! it’s a concerted effort NOT to speak in an accent if someone is speaking to me wtih one…it comes in handy for non~english but it’s embarrassing otherwise…and EVERYONE can always tell when i’ve been watching firefly!!

and i bet your nose is adorable!! :smiley:

and speaking of gone with the wind here is a little bit of trivia that not many people know and bkitty take a peek and tell me if you think so too…

in GONE WITH THE WIND, after frank kennedy dies and rhett visits scarlett when she’s been drinking the scene reads like this

scarlett calls rhett a “varmint”
he says “you like me because i’m a varmint…there aren’t enough varmints in your life”
then scarlett says “i happen to like nice men”

sound familiar?? anyone?? anyone??? :smiley:

Abso-frakkin’-loootly! I worry I’ll insult strangers! Friends already know what to expect!

lol! My nose thanks you!

Even bigger LOL!! This is about the time of year I re-read and re-watch the Collector’s Edition!

That sounds familiar! bkitty busts out dvd for immediate re-watch!

it’s in the book actually not the movie!! :slight_smile:


bkitty desperately searches garage where books bkitty didn’t have time to hide are packed away

/livia wants to know why is bkitty hiding books? are the “firemen” coming to burn them??? :slight_smile:

Now we know how Luke understood R2 - he had this page bookmarked!

Yes. It’s long past time.


the hub is allergic to clutter, and I’m a clutter-holic! My nasty reading habit, and all…

The hub is very tall, and hates to trip or step on things- not fond of re-enacting Einstein’s theory! BOOM! CRASH!

Hey- he already got blowed up. It’s the least I can allow. :wink:

Thanks Stevie. I was looking for a new ringtone!

Errr…sorry about posting this bit of news during the SW arc, but I happened to be looking at the BSG Wikiepedia entry and found out that :
The first part of Season 4 will begin broadcast on Universal HD on July 19, 2008. Set your Tivos now.

When I was in Germany, my English teachers were actually British. Well, one of them is Irish, she was my first English teacher. Then my second English teacher was Scottish. Together with my Taiwanese origin and the German surroundings, they did a number on my English accent.

My last English teacher in Germany was from Oxford, and he spoke with this deep, slow, almost Shakespearean voice, which was pretty awesome.

The combination didn’t help me much when I moved to the US, since I moved to El Paso Texas.

But years in California has washed out my accent… though some of them still creep through here and there.

Here’s a fan-made R2 from this past weekend’s Shore Leave convention:


TightFighter’s ability to communicate became so powerful , it is BEYOND WORDS!!!

It actually said “Ta-tas” and had two pink balloons or hearts smooshed together in the background!

I never get that. I’ve talked about this phenomenon with my students before. One black female student said she was tired of meeting new people who’d automatically try to give her a “fist bump” or hip kind of handshake instead of a regular one. (Please no “terrorist fist-bump” comments!) Another student, a young Latina woman, was upset that Spanish speakers looked down on her for not speaking Spanish, even though she was born in the U.S.

It makes me crazy! I can understand supposing that someone might speak a language because of a quick glance, but it’s a whole other thing to assume it and then judge the person based on it. What right do people have to tell anyone else what they “should” speak based on how they look?? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Oh, and you said “aural immersion.”

I’ve seen those. I think they were pink ribbons for Breast Cancer Awareness. No double entendre need apply. It means exacTly what it appears to mean. :smiley:

Save the Ta-Tas

needs to be followed up with a beavis and butthead “huh huh huh hah huh huh ha…” :slight_smile:

kind of like people’s perceptions of tattoo’d folks…lots of people judge lots of other people based on all kinds of unfair superficial attributes…it sucks but it’s part of how the human mind works…but it’s our ability to push past those preconceived notions that help us learn to see people for who they are inside :slight_smile:

none, obviously. but I see a lot of it in the neighborhood where I teach. in some cases, it seems to come from the frustration people feel at the loss of community, of heritage, of connection to family roots and past that is at some level inevitable with immigration that involves a new language. parents see their second-generation children and third generation grandchildren losing more and more of their language and moving further away from the culture the parents identify with (which, of course is what happens with most immigrant groups). encountering someone who “looks like them” but hasn’t maintained their heritage language–for whatever reason–reminds them of what they’re losing.

and then there are those who think the world revolves around them and that everyone should bend over backwards to accommodate them, but that kind of transcends language (and race, and religion, and economics :))

Oh, I see, breast cancer awarenes stuff! That’s cool~! I was mistaken… this is much better.

That show is actually way more funny to watch in German.