GWC Podcast #108

that’s freakin AWESOME!!!

No Star Wars re-watch would be complete without dissecting the following (and especially the impact of Bea Arthur on the politics of the Emperor):


I just really hope the actors were well paid…

You can watch this delightful masterpiece here.

P.S If you know how to use bit torrent I can hook you up with a fat SW: Holiday Special DVD that has the Holiday Special and the Star Wars Muppet Show episode. Send me a PM if you want the disc.

That. is. my. FAVORITE. part of the Robot Chicken SW show!

I had everyone sick of “meesa all sparkly-glowy!” “I love you Ani! Ah-haaa!”

thanks for the re-visit!

i barely remember the xmas special but have been able to see the muppets periodically over the last few years :wink: would LOVE to see it again (the xmas show) but don’t know how to do the bit torrent thingamahooker :frowning:

it took awhile for this to download on my comp BUT OMG!!! no wonder GL spent money to retrieve and burn all copies of it!! HEEEEEE HEEE HAHAHA!! i love it!! :smiley:

first, i want eyeliner like mark hamill
second, i heard carrie fisher was stoned during her filiming
third, jefferson starship??
fourth, i think i actually tried reaeaaaallllyyy hard to stay awake for the whole thing, but i was only eight and don’t think i made it!! LOL i do remember being very scared when the stormtroopers were harrassing chewie jr…and was soooo relieved when han saved life day by committing murder!! LOL!! :slight_smile:

i read something about arm porn in a thread and don’t remember who it was or what it was about…what i think is that it was about anders arms (i am a total arms girl which is why anders is my favorite thing about bsg AND the HOTTEST thing about my firefighter!!) but i was watching X3 today and fell in love again with wolvies biceps…i mean talk about arm porn…YUUUUU UUUU MMMMEEEEEE!! :slight_smile:

I also enjoy doing that- especially because in my heavily Latino neighborhood I often get the reverse of the snap judgement you were talking about earlier- this super-pale white girl can’t possibly understand. It is sooo satisfying to answer the catcallers right back.

yes indeed. they so don’t expect the nearly 6-foot-tall güera to start talking to them in Spanish. “sheepish” doesn’t even come close

of course, I’ve had to put up with a bit of reverse discrimination as well–native Spanish-speaking educators who don’t think I can do the job because of my northern-european skin tone. I love when those same people end up coming to me to edit their writing in Spanish. (mean-spirited, aren’t I?)

Good point. Duly noted. Even if Jar-Jar and the Trade Federation guys would have been more palatable with their own languages instead of some semi-ethnic accents, I can understand how it’d be tough to have major characters speaking gibberish, especially so early in the film.

That shade of pink makes baby Yoda cry.

I was trying to find a color that would catch the eye, but the red they got here is hardly readable.

Audra when you mentioned the body part count I had to laugh. I watched the SW movies one after the other for a week. I never noticed how many arms and hands went flying until I watched the movies so close together. I guess since they are somewhat easy to replace it is kinder than killing, but it is a bit much.

If the Jedi aim is so great why didn’t they just cut the light saber in half? Ok, the answer is probably that the ooooo how cool factor would be gone. :cool:

I really enjoyed the podcast.

My pleasure - glad ya like it. But also have to give props to …

…cuz ya know that call just wasn’t pleasant

If you haven’t yet, drop what you’re doing and check out the Robot Chicken Star Wars (see previous post). Immediately. Seriously.

“Yo’ mama’s so dumb, she thinks Jar Jar comes with pickles pickles!”

All YouTube clips, for the entire thing:

Found another link from the page with the WWII-style Star Wars figures.

This one is Steampunk Star Wars:

3PO looks p*ssed.

In the best of ways : )

It’s a Trap



Boba Fett Unplugged

Given the recent discussions about language and misunderstandings one line in this weeks, “This American Life” had me howling with laughter. They are discussing how some thoughts one had as a child sometimes don’t get corrected until adulthood. My favorite was:

“My friend thought ‘quesadilla’ until his early 20s was Spanish for, ‘how are you doing?’”

the longer you wait the more you will hate yourself!!

"yo mama so dumb she went to bangkhok to get a thai fighter! :slight_smile: