GWC Podcast #108

Oh, THAT line!

Phew … wipes a bead of sweat from his forehead

THAT I can do!

Good point, I hadn’t thought about the part that bringing down the Jedi Order could be part of “bringing balance to the force” directly and not just a consequence of having to destroy the Emperor. But then I wasn’t familiar with the EU prior to the podcasts and didn’t know the extent to which the JO may have been in need of some renewal in of its self.

Sorry, man. I’ve been on vacation and I’m way out of practice. I guess I need to come up to speed. No no. Let me rephrase that: I’m feeling a little rusty and am have a hard time keeping it up…:smiley:

It comes from Season 3 when Leoben is keeping Starbuck captive.

In Revelations Starbuck is talking to Lee in Adma’s office. She tells him that Leoben told her that while he had her captive in that dollhouse. Which is why it was top of mind fo Audra in the podcast.

That’s actually a really good explanation, but if it’s true, wouldn’t that mean that Yoda and Obi-Wan are huge [expletive deleted] sorry Barb muthafrakkers? Seriously, that’s essentially throwing Luke to the wolves. Not only are they using him as bait, they banished him to the armpit of the Galaxy, to live a life of drudgery in the dust, while his sister is… well, she’s a frakkin’ princess! Wouldn’t it make more sense to use her as the bait, since he is the one who’s “strong with the Force” (strong as a small pony!), while she’s trainable, but hardly a master?

Not to mention hiding him on Anakin’s homeworld…

Does Sauron even have a head?

I don’t think it’s really clear in the movie (much less the EU, about which I know little), but I always got the feeling that the Council was divided on the interpretation of the prophecy. I’m sure there had to be some who doubted whether or not bringing “balance” to the Force was necessarily a good thing. After all, one possible interpretation of balancing the force is to increase the power of the Dark Side. Another is to wipe out both the Dark and the Light Sides of the Force altogether. I can’t recall if it’s ever really stated as such outright, but I always assumed that was why the Jedi were so ambivalent in their dealings with Anakin.

Not to mention whatever it is that the Sith want “revenge” for in the first place. I assume that’s explained in the EU?

You’re just out of practice. All they need is some “creative” editing. Like so:

(Just a little ellipsis) :stuck_out_tongue:

(See? It’s easy!)

OK, I got nothin’. :frowning:

IYKWIM! That one didn’t even require editing! :rolleyes:

dude (ron…) i am so totally impressed with your ability to make EVERYTHING sound dirty!! :smiley:

It’s a gift… and a curse. :slight_smile:

Only a master of Skeevil, Mrs. Ron!

Mrs. Ron? Frak the whut? :confused:

Nobody ever says Mr. Ron - it’s always about Mrs. Ron!

Oh, my, I finally got around to watching the SW “rap” video and after ONE viewing the song is STUCK IN MY HEAD. How could you do this to me?! Lol. I keep hearing Jar Jar saying “meesa want, meesa want…” That tune is way too catchy to be floating around unrestrained like that.

I’m posting this here too just to spread the word:

CAPRICA is likely to air THIS FALL

Forgive me if this piece of news has already been posted elsewhere, but I haven’t seen it anywhere.

[COLOR=Magenta]Io9 has had repeated reports about this and it makes a whole lot of sense. They could show us an immense amount of backstory this fall which the back half of BSG season 4 could then tap into next year.

Wo… Ah…

Is that supposed to be yet another name for me? Or am I missing something?

Not bad. :slight_smile:

I expect to hear a GWC remix on this week’s podcast. :stuck_out_tongue:

I suspect that GR is referring to Mrs. Ron from the Ron D Moore podcast fame. But then again it is probably dangerous to try to guess what GR is thinking (as Racetrack and Cally unfortunately discovered)…

That makes sense. I only started listening to those recently, so I’ve only heard about her, since she hasn’t actually been on the last several.

But then again it is probably dangerous to try to guess what GR is thinking (as Racetrack and Cally unfortunately discovered)…

I never try to fathom his depths. IYKWIM. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, she was all over the sciffy forums, posting etc.