GWC Podcast #108

That’s what I’ve been saying

And why I feel the prequels would have benefitted from an actual screenwriter. Or at least someone with gutz to stand up to George and say. It no work like that.

I never really had a problem with him keeping the name Skywalker I mean virtually nobody knew Vader was Anakin Skywalker so there’s nobody to be like “OH! YOU’RE RELATED TO VADER DAAAAAAMN REWARD TIME” or anything. On the opposite side I don’t think the empire would really concern itself with the farmers of tattoine and…oh frak revelation. Uncle Ben made him pull his app from the Imperial Flight Academy. If he hadn’t that probably would have thrown up red flags to the upper echelon of the Empire. Fraaaaaaaaaak

sorry if i go into waaayyyy too much detail but thinking about star wars was pretty much how i passed the time for the three years in between each of the movies growing up!!! three years is a long time for a little kid to postulate and ponder!! :smiley: where was GWC 20 years ago lol!! :smiley:

No, problem Livia. I’ve been doing the same thing practically my whole life. :smiley:

I have an infant I need to hide from the all-seeing eye of Sauron. I know! I’ll hide him with his (relative of some sort) That’s the last place he’ll look! Also, I have a guy wearing Jedi Robes look after him.

Retcon, FTL!

Can Sauron see the back of his head? j/k…

Just started listening to 108…and I feel invigorated by Emily’s call. So, today, I’m gonna talk like Emily all day today–sans-pauses. SoIwasonvacationlastweeksonotontheforumasmuchasusual.IdidbringStarWarsEpII/IV/VandVIwith memuchonlyendedupwatchingepII.AnywaytodayI’mbackatworkandspentthismorningactually working!SomehowItemporarilygotoutofthehabitofworkingafewminutesandgoingontheforumforafewminuteand backandforthbackandforth.Anyway,nowI’mbacktomyoldtricksIYKWIM.I’llbeinmybunk.

OMG - that is too much for my relaxed, vacationed brain to take in today! I also am trying to get back into work after a week off but I’m not quite yet in “Emily” mode. :slight_smile: Not to mention that I still have to listen to 107 AND 108 today 'cause of the vaca…

well–I can see one way that this might work. As someone who grew up in a small dead-end desert town, when you’re growing up your whole focus is on getting out of that town. If you get out–you generally don’t go back. All through his Jedi time, whenever someone asked him about where he came from, he would just say “Dude, it’s a craphole. I got out. Why don’t we got do something interesting instead of talking about that craphole.”

More things I want to say about the podcast…

Was I the only positive call? Because I kind of feel like I was :wink:

I love love love LEGO Star Wars, it was great to hear you guys talking about that Mustafar jumping… because, well, yeah. I also found that some of the levels in the OT version were just really, really long.

Yes, Anakin’s eye scar comes from the Clone Wars - I forget which part exactly but it happens near the beginning of Vol 1 of the cartoons.

The whole killing parents in order to become a real person whatever came from Leoben, no? That’s kind of freaky… let’s compare Leoben and Palpatine! :eek:

Of course GWC is like NPR. Because I listen to both of them, lol.

AND - there is nothing wrong with Anakin looking like an action figure. At least he had the hands above the covers this time…

that’s interesting–I thought the way the “return balance” prophesy worked out was one of those instances where you needed to be careful about what you infer from a vague prophesy. It seems to me that the implication is that the flaws in the Jedi Council had run too deep and were doing as much to throw the Force out of balance as the Sith–therefore restoring balance meant the Anakin would have to tear down the existing power of both the Jedi and the Sith to restore balance to the Force.

Try drinking an entire pot of coffee within a hour—that will put you into Emily mode right quick, I reckon (OMG, I’ve now slipped into Malcom Reynolds mode–):eek:

An entire pot in an hour ? It canna be done ! The coffee maker’ll blow sky high ! (uh oh…Scotty mode):eek:

Woah. (Keanu mode)

Well, maybe two hours. Eh, I’m exgerating I suppose. I make a whole pot for myself each morning, but I rarely finish it.

So get this. SW: Revenge of the Sith is the only DVD out the six that I do not own. So I figure, now problem—must be easy to get it at the Library–now my town is networked with about 6 other librarys (meaning I can borrow books/videos from all those libraries) and I just checked a moment ago and at all of them, ALL OF THEM their copy of SW:RotS is check out. What’s up with that? It’s not like it’s a new movie of something. :mad:

We have consequent posts by TG, Solai and TFG and there’s not single line in all of them I can use for the gutter? It must be Monday.

Geeks. Why’d it have to be geeks ?

I like my coffee hot, dark, and steamy ! (GR mode)

ok, put it in GR !!


Thanks, but no thanks.

Maybe if that line had come from Starbuccaneer or Lady D…

No no no !!! Your line ! IYK…you know !