GWC Podcast #108

Vader on a roller coaster:

Vader on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire:

Everybody seems to!:smiley:

I liked epsiode 3, I tried to call in an do an intro for next week I tried twice but messed up both times and I am sure there is no way to start over, so I just said forget it on the message after I messed up my reallyt intro got GWC! I am going to call and do it agaiN! Someone else can do next weeks intro!


Like all the other ladies and very likely men, in this community,


I mean, as long as we’re wishin’ in one hand here… :eek:

And yes, there are few (absurdly fit/genetically predisposed) women who do not still look like they are carrying cargo after the kid(s) has left the building!

Hey- mine is 5 years old, and I’m still trying to shed “the look”! lol!

on Padme still appearing pregnant in the casket: I always thought that was part of keeping the twins hidden from Vader and the emperor. Obi-Wan tells Luke in Jedi that any offspring of Anakin’s would be a threat to Palpatine. one assumes the emperor might have had informants on Naboo who, seeing Padme looking pregnant, would carry back news that Anakin’s child had died with her.

I can buy that answer. Also, there was a question about if Vader knew about Luke being his son. I think that Vader learns sometime in the four years between EP.4 and Ep.5. about Luke being his offspring.

Hey, did anyone check out the front page of Wikipedia today (Sunday)? Looks like they’re keeping up with the GWC too!

Hi Sean, Chuck and Audra,

 Thank you a bit for another amazing podcast.  As per your hope for more stories about the missing period before Episodes II and III, you are in for a windfall.  The "Clone Wars" animated movie will be in theaters in August (yes, much to my surprise it will be a big screen release), which continues the story from the earlier animated show, and then in the fall Lucas is releasing 22 half-hour episodes which will be the first season of the show on the Cartoon Network.  This might conflict with your plans for the Watercooler, but I think it'd be perfect if you did a post-movie show, and maybe tried to comment on the tv shows in your regular podcasts.  The animation looks un-frakkin'-believable, and I think it'll be a terrific addition to the saga.

Definitely squicky. I have a twin sister myself. I’m not so much on the Luke & Leia action.


after i saw rotj, it bothered me that IF vader REALLY was luke’s father then it didn’t make sense that they didn’t bother to change his last name from skywalker to lars if he was supposed to be “hidden” i kept thinking, he’s not hidden very well…what i decided was that after owen and beru were killed ben went ahead and told him something like “you are the son of skywalker” so that when he bursts into leia’s cell and introduces himself as luke skywalker, he was not only introducing himself to leia but to the galaxy as skywalker…i mean he kinda had to know that if he was the son of a famous jedi, the emperor might take an interest in him…we only hear him called luke until that moment and that’s a pretty profound moment…


Well, I was considering the younglings by not posting that vid.

I think you owe everyone one big (sorry Barb) :stuck_out_tongue:

Very good point. Maybe in a galaxy far, far away, in which interstellar travel is possible/routine, “Skywalker” is a very common name?

OMG! how fun if we all start putting skywalker at the ends of our names for the rest of the rewatches? lol!! whad da ya think?? :wink:

Antiles is considered the GFFA version of Smith or Johnson. You have Bail Antiles, Capatin Antiles, and Wedge Antilies in the movies.

Not to mention the Greater Antilies.

this is a conversation i imagined to fill in a gap between ben kenobi and darth vader…( i am sure someone somewhere my have thought of this already but here is my version…keep in mind i have NOT read ANY single star wars book…i have only EVER watched the films…) it is intended to account for vader’s line to luke in return of the jedi “obi wan once thought as you do…” because at the end of revenge of the sith, ben pretty much walked away (leaving anakin amputated, burned and in agony and accepted anakin’s fall…vader’s line in star wars “i’ve been waiting for you obi wan…we meet again at last…” to me, means they have had no contact since mustafar…this conversation takes place after star wars and during empire…you know the meditation chamber? when his helmet comes down and relocks? my thoughts are that ben appears to vader/anakin (i consider him anakin when his mask is off and vader when the mask is on and this is also a nice tie in after ben’s appearance to luke in this same film…)

darth vader enters his meditation chamber during the pursuit of the millenium falcon…in the privacy of his chamber, he removes his helmet to contemplate the expansion of stars extending towards infinity…his feelings have been uneasy of late…the discovery that padme’s child lived…that his SON…lived…introducing himself to the galaxy as luke SKYWALKER…deliberately bringing the attention of the emperor upon himself…he knew the emperor would order him dead…and that it would be his own hand to deliver the deathstrike…it was only a matter of time…but there was also a feeling he had not embraced in more years than he cared to remember…an ambition he misnamed hope…his heart raced…at last! the means to avenge himself upon the emperor…the old desire returned…deeply stirring to his blood…my son…at last a worthy ally…to rule…finally to rule…with my son at my side…OUR son…his thoughts returned to HER more and more over the last few months…as the nights passed, he could sense the force growing stronger within luke…and there he found his obstacle…the ghost of HER words haunted him…help me raise our child…but the choice made all those years ago could not be forsworn…the plan had evolved and now the means lay/lie within his grasp…catch the falcon…use his friends to draw him out…rescue my son from the lies of that old wizard…the dogma of the jedi…help him to see the true nature of the force…

anakin “wipe that stupid look off your face old man! i don’t need your pity…”
ben (in his spectre form) “it’s not pity, anakin…it’s…regret…”
anakin “spare me…as a jedi you were awesome…as a hero? you’re naught but a sentimental fool…”
ben trying to lighten the mood “who’s more foolish the fool or the fool who follows him?”
anakin becomes impatient “WHAT do you want?!”
ben “i’ve come to ask you to reconsider your plan…and let your son find his own path…”

anakin “the path of a jedi is what you mean, you come here to ask me to give my son as lamb to the slaughter upon the alter of jedi teachingsand that, i will never allow…you’re influence is at an end…his heart is twisted…and you would have him become what twisted it…had the jedi order helped ME to explore my powers rather than deny them, who knows what fate would have allowed…they have paid the price for their lack of vision and so now, shall you…the jedi are DEAD…because they could not adapt…”

ben “you’re right, my friend…we…I…did you a great injustice…anakin…you were a good man…even now, i sense the conflict within you…the goodness…you don’t have to do this…(long pause) every moment, you have a choice…to continue on this path or to find a new one…”

general veers enters the chamber…anakin initiates the replacement of his helmet…veers cannot see the visage of ben and his attention is on the scarred, bare skull of LORD VADER…through artificial eyes, anakin glares at ben…his choice is made and with the hissing that is the aching reminder of his lost humanity, he becomes darth vader again…“asteroids do not concern me admiral…i want that ship and not excuses…”

Hey great podcast again – about 1/2 way through…

I just want to comment on Sean and Chuck’s argument that there were a number of places where Obi-wan and Yoda could have done things differently to avoid the Anakin falling to the Dark Side, the Empire being formed, and the Jedi Purge etc. I disagree. Anakin’s destiny is to restore balance to the force, and the one way he does that is by destroying the Emperor. I’d argue that the only way he can do this is by falling to the Dark Side and being the Emperors apprentice. It was also important that Obi-wan critically wound him but not kill him. Dead, the Emperor would have just found a new apprentice; unhurt, I take him at his word and he would have eventually overthrown the Emperor and become a Sith Lord himself (he still had dreams of doing this with Luke’s help). At that point I’d bet he’d be as unredemable as a Michigan pop can in Ohio.

While it does appear that Lucas may not have written the best screen plays, I do think he wrote an excellent story. If just a few elements of Anakin’s path were changed he would never have been in a position to destroy the Emperor (IMHO)…

I also figure that Obi-wan kind of hid Luke in plain sight to keep even more attention away from Leah. Vader new Padme was pregnant and thus the possibility that he had an heir. If there was one out there that could be discovered relatively easily, then he and the Emperor would never think to look for a second one. Especially one in such a conspicuous family as the Organa’s of Alderon.

Wow, that’s a good explanation. I hadn’t even considered that. Still, if that was the case, it would have been helpful if someone made a passing comment about the plan so we knew what was going on. But I’m going to take that as the best explanation so far!