Totally is, do you know of any computer systems that look like the ones in Hackers? I think not, plus a chick as hot as Angelina Jolie as a techie? Come on now that’s totally fantasy =P
Is there a SF/F/Comics connection I’m unaware of?
Tech Expert: Henry Pym aka Ant Man aka Giant Man aka Goliath aka Yellow Jacket aka The Wasp
He’s got the proportional strength of a normal human being!
Martial Arts Expert: Ting
OK, I want a ruling on that one. I’m fairly certain that Tony Jaa is a god. :eek:
Hank Pym has had many, MANY different powers and aliases. He changes spandex outfits like most people change socks.
I think the WASP part is what threw Pike!
Oh if you wanted to use her again just tell me I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes!
… and I figured she’d just be kicking sorryBarb and taking names, no stones involved
That one threw me too. I’m not that up to date, apparently.
Yeah it’s since the end of Secret Invasion which was a year and a half ago…just sayin
Yeah look like I’m in the same situation with my Driver.
Legendary Team : Roger Moore James Bond
TEAM CLEVER (Solai): Sean Connery James Bond
Waiting for your ruling Master.
I’d say the hacking they did in that movie qualifies and fantasy/sci-fi to me. I mean COME ON!!! Really? At least they were all on blades. So to recap Zero-Cool/Crash Override… Fair game.
On the subject of “Era’s” I’d say they count as long as they are definable (for all parties concerned) and folks don’t go crazy trying to squeeze era’s out of the same person over and over. Other than that I’d say go get 'em.
- i.e. Anikin Skywalker and Darth Vader. I’d say that’s two different people. Luke Skywalker from A new hope and Jedi Mater Luke are different era’s. Luke from Episode 4 and luke from episode 5… not a different era.
Ok so i am dumping Bulma as my Tech Expert and taking Syndrome
Bulma is fair game? tempting…
Ah hell, I just sent my files off to Sean (can’t do them on my computer)
(and in case I forgot in my Sean email-Please? and Thank you)
You know what Scratch that, new and improve LEGENDARY TEAM
Hal Jordan
The guy is a fraking Test Pilot with a POWER RING!!!
I’m keeping him. I just love is imagination!
Dropping Arnold was a big decision but my best friend made a great case for T-1000 and is a tough guy to kill.
Martial Artist
Sam Jackson is out. Wanted something different and put the Jedi Moral asside a bit.
This is my final Team. I’ll beat Solai to Bond on V.3.0.
Dude. That had me in tears. I loved Toonces. Of course you know you have to end all your stories with a car driving off a cliff.
Don’t want to give up my team, but just had a sick idea for a team (maybe my backup team? Or is someone wants it, claim it!)
Driver: Anders
Tech: Chief
Recon: Tori
Martial Artist: Ellen (and her weaponized swirl)
Awesome. I love that movie so much.
Sweet! I’m keeping him.
(For the record, if Crash got disqualified, my back-up techie was going to be Kevin Flynn from Tron, …who I believe is still unaffiliated if anyone wants to snatch him up. Hint, hint. I’m just saying.)
Ok, Shannon says I have to call it for the night but I’ll be back on the wagon tomorrow. If I didn’t get to your team fear not, you are in the que.
I was working all afternoon and was not able to check out the situation until now. I will concede Han Solo to Top Gun because he did post onto the forum his selection first on the site. I want this to be a friendly place for having a fun time. Sorry that I did not get to this sooner.
Does anyone have Anikin Skywalker from the Clone Wars era yet, if not i would pick him up?
Looks like Sean has ruled…have fun with the ‘gone-straight’ Tom Paris.
Looks like Cackleberry beat to it with Mystique so I’ll swap him with this bad boy
Recon - Xander Cage
If I could find Vin as a tech role, then I could swap the driver as him from Fast and Furious…
Yeah, that one. What did I miss?
Cackleberry picked him up as Pilot.
If we could pick real people, Shannon would be my bad ass Martial Artist.
Sean would be the Pilot, Chuck the Tech and Audra would do recon. That is Team GWC.