General Banter Thread Mark-IV

Proles don’t eat…


They might not, but I do.

So… No lunch?


“To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus …” Macbeth III.i


This seems like as good a place as any to post a license plate that caught my eye the other day:

It’s probably Ferris’s alter-ego, a city-dwelling fan of chamber music and avid Tweeter

Or perhaps the world’s biggest RUSH fan :slight_smile:


Proles forage… :stuck_out_tongue:

Co-worker dropped this off at my desk yesterday. It had a $1.99 bargain bin sticker on it.

I popped it in last night and it is teh ossim.



Space-X props.


Can’t stop smiling about this :slight_smile:


has everyone stopped getting fit? nobody seems to be posting in the fitness thread any more, feels like I’m working out alone…

Well I still am, but it’s all hockey games of late…Sat morning, Sunday afternoon, Monday Night on ice, then Tuesday evenings…doesn’t give much to write home about (well aside from bragging of the scores and my unhealthy assists to games played ratio in goal on Sat mornings…)…I’m at that classic “losing size but staying the same weight” point…frustrating but now I can actually play full games of floor hockey running around playing defense, that would be unheard of even three years ago!

Fitness has been so depressing for me lately. Medical issues have imposed lengthy, multiple gym blackouts. Even besides that, I’m really swimming uphill against exhaustion. I could probably start running again now if I were very careful and cleared it with my doctors but I’m about to face another workout ban of about 10 days. I’d prefer to wait until I can really dedicate myself to retraining, which will be around August, I think. I have lost significant leg and back strength and my lungs have slightly less capacity. My heartbeat reaches its 80% exertion point about 10 minutes sooner into a high-intensity, no-impact cardio workout (usually the Arc Trainer). Like I said, depressing. So I haven’t been checking the FitSmart forum. Still listening to the casts, though. It usually makes me feel better when I do.

And, it’s not all bad. I have pretty nice arms from forearm to shoulder. Someday soon I’ll be able to really work on the shoulders and back again. Today I had physical therapy at 6 and knew I wouldn’t get to the gym after because I needed to stop at the pharmacy before closing. So I just walked out of the office at 4:30 and went to the gym. 40 minutes of Arc Trainer, interval training between 40 and 60 pounds of resistance. That’s about my max right now.

I can’t reach the magic space where my body is running just under the red line and I feel like I’m absolutely frakking infinite. But I can get some endorphins out of it. And the more I do this, the closer I’ll be to regaining my form. So I tell myself and I hope I keep listening.

ps: Phazed, how is your workout regime going? Sounds like pretty well, yeah?

pps: All, sorry I missed posting yesterday. I am imperfectly performing the post-a-day challenge. Will endeavor to improve.

Practice makes perfect buddy. Ne fret pas.

Ok so if my french is correct, you’ve just advised them not to play guitar hero?

Yeah…put the guitar down and post here more…works for me :cool:

Our friendly neighborhood FEDEX Lady dropped of this on our front porch.

Now I must wait for my commute home before I can behold the wonder :slight_smile:

Info at --> Board Game Geek.

It is artistically challenged, but a great game that I fondly remember from my past.



Is it simpler than Squad Leader? :stuck_out_tongue:

I am eagerly awaiting this…