Thanks for the B-Day wishes Darth!
Great workout this morning, despite waking up an hour early at 4:00am. Oh well, leveled my pally until 5:00 - no horde to gank me in Outland at that time in the morning
In honor of DawnAZ and Darth, I swapped out the first 20 min of elliptical with some treadmill (much <3 to the GWC runners).
BTW, if anyone wants help with designing a program, either in the gym or for at home, send me a PM! I always try and work in some calisthenics which are quick, and don’t take any expensive machines. I’m happy to share my experiences and thoughts and lend a hand to anyone out there.
20 min treadmill (increasing speed & incline throughout to max incline for the last minute)
25 min elliptical
Core & Pushup-centric Calisthenics (takes 11.6 min start to finish)
3 sets of the following, 35 sec per exercise with a 35 sec rest period between sets:
Mountain Climbers
Spiderman pushups
Pleasant Valleys (bicycle kick crunches while “picking cherries”)
Dumbbell scorpion pushups
Bicep/Deltoid weight training
Dumbbell curls - “21s” (7 curls coming to mid point, 7 from mid-point to apex, 7 full extension)
Super set with
Delt dumbbell flyes (bent arm)
Dumbbell flyes (straight arm to “iron cross”)
HTS Hammer Curl Machine
Preacher Curl Machine
Dumbbell Shrugs (cause I wanted to, didn’t fit with the set)
Final core/combined set
x12 Dips (parallel bar style)
x15 hanging leg lifts (straight leg)
Total time: 1.5 hrs