"Fitness Club" Thread

you can do it!

Lost… Ten… pounds-you-say?

Why, Mr Talos that’s…commendable!

keep it up D. You’re doing well!

I was trying to get myself to stick with the p90x workout to try and lose some of my excess baggage. did not take.

However, walking my new dog for an hour every morning, has produced, surprising and sudden results. In the three weeks we have had him I am down 13lbs. WOOOhooo! I also take him for about 30 to 45 minutes in the evening. but thats more off leash and play time rather then walking. in the morning we cover about 2.5 to 3 miles.

That’s amazing! Keep up the good work.

Resurrecting this from the dead…

So I remembered reading about the whole Couch to 5K thing on this forum, and decided to give it a try in an effort to drop the weight I gained while on a craaapy medication. I’m not a runner. I have never been a runner. And I’ve been scared of running since my back surgery, which my husband has not helped with. Oh, he’s a nice guy and very supportive of me, but this causes him to get overprotective and starts worrying about me reinjuring it, which in t urn gets me worried.

Anyway, today I’m on Week 2, Day 3 (or I will be when I get home from work) and it’s going pretty well so far. I’m running in Vibram Five Finger shoes since I’ve heard good things about how they wear for people with back and knee injuries, and it’s working out pretty well so far. I’ve lost four pounds already!

Congrats! Keep it up! I’m not a runner either, and I’m pretty old and a little overweight. I started the C25K just before Christmas and finished in February. If I can do it, you can.

Do not fear W5, you will be ready for it and it’s not that big a deal.

I would recommend the C25K forums also, it is a very supportive group.

Congratulations Sithwitch, and I hope you stay injury-free. Have you thought about using a walking program? I hear that it can be just as effective as running and it’s easier on your body.

What’s the word Talos, how is the workout regimen going?

Oh my stars and garters!!

Romulan Ale is not on your ‘Deal a Meal’ plan!
Put that down you silly goose…

I now lift Pop-Tarts and Pizza. I’m around 230 now. :frowning: Thanks for the reminder. :rolleyes: I’ve got to get back to working out again.

My exercise regimen has also sucked for like the last year… I played some futbol when we were in South America, but other than that I’ve been a lazy bum, with a day or two of tai ch’i or yoga thrown in in a half-hearted effort to get in better shape… we’re eating much more healthily around here, though, so there’s that.

I sprained my ankle really bad the day before Memorial Day last month :frowning:

however I was able to do a short run on the treadmil today though so I’m going to start slowly working back into it!

I am back up to my 3 days on/one day off routine, but since I am much older now than when I used to do that regularly, I occassionally take an extra day off to recuperate.

Day 1) Chest, shoulders, triceps
Day 2) Back and Biceps
Day 3) Legs
Day 4) Off
Abs and calf exercises can be tossed in on any day…

My weakness is aerobic exercise, bikes and stairmasters are just too monotonous. Even with a good show on the TV or a fun podcast I still feel like a hamster on a wheel, but it is way too hot to do any hiking.

But I must be doing things right, I am getting looks at the gym from the ladies. And the girls at the tanning salon when they brought my account up on the computer saw it was my birthday they wished me ‘Happy Birthday’ but were shocked to see I was 50, they did a double take. I turned beet red from their suprise and compliments. :smiley:

For those of you with an RPG bent, this may prove of interest.

I posted waaaaay back in the day about doing the Couch to 5 K program… I’ve stuck with it! Sort of. I keep having to take time off for migraines, foot/leg injuries (I swear, I am the most accident-prone person I know…) and sometimes I’m just plain lazy. So I’ve been stuck at week 2 since April, but I have become a pro at it.

Moved on to week 3, finally! Maybe I’ll finish it by next year, at this rate :smiley:

I was so proud of myself yesterday, I wish I had brought a camera to document it. I did 500lbs on the leg press machine.

That’s right… 500lbs!:eek:


Congrats! You’re Viper-certified!

Were like oposites I cannot for the life of me spend time weight training I just hate it. and just love jogging, either on a treadmill or in the great outdoor.

But my fitness regime to date Finishing up a rediculiously at least by my thinking chalorie restritive diet, in about a week or two than ill start a new running program when red meat is on the menu again.

P.s. Tofu sucks, I try to pretend its good but its a lie…

Omra–I hope you unracked that 500 lbs so the next person didn’t have to. (That’s totally a peeve of mine. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to unrack 500+ lbs from the press before I can put 90 back on to do volume. Doh!) :slight_smile:

Boomer–I go back and forth. Right now I’m getting a kick out of weight training and really hate the cardio. But I’ve been the other way 'round recently, too. I guess part of it might be that I recently picked up a Bodybugg – actually I earned one free with the gym’s new member program – and it helped me figure out why I haven’t been putting on muscle even with 1-1/2 to 3 hours a day five days a week at the gym. Seems that my metabolism has increased significantly and I’m burning between 3500 and 4200 calories a day now as opposed to the 2400-3000 the computer predicted. So I was eating 2800-3000 calories a day and still losing weight/failing to put on muscle.

Now I’m watching the Bodybugg results every day and eating the same as my burn (or 250 calories more). Maybe I’m just dreaming, but I could swear that I’ve seen more change in my arms in the last week than in the last month – even though I’ve been on the bottom end of the 1-1/2 to 3 hour/day schedule since TechDrew’s been here and we’re working on lots of projects. Guess I was underfeeding. :slight_smile:

The more lean muscle tissue you pack on the higher your basal metabolic rate rises, which means you burn more calories even when your body is at rest. One of the wonderful benifits of body building, because it allows more wiggle room in your diet than someone who only does cardio can enjoy.

And yes I am very good about unloading plates after I am done, because it is a pet peeve of mine as well. Fortunately my gym is a serious one and not a ‘meat shop’ like those trendy chain gyms are, so it has a friendlier and more knowledgable clientele who are good about those sorts of things. A number of the regulars are professional competitors, which can be very inspiring. Plus some of the regulars who are built like Humvees are even older than I am, which is also very inspiring.

I just wish there were more women closer to my age, they seem to only go to 40 and then jump all the way to the ‘silver sneaker’ age group.:cool:

well did some weight training after work today, ate dinner, then ran two miles on the treadmill about an hour after dinner

first week in a while now I’ve been consistantly exercising

I was getting going good just before Memorial Day and then I hurt the ankle, hopefully I don’t get hurt and can stick with it again now!