"Fitness Club" Thread

I have weeks like this all the time! In fact, since my last post in this thread I have lost 0 pounds, despite doing a great job sticking to my workouts. Sometimes it just moves slowly–keep up your fitness and healthy eating routines and things will slowly but surely keep going your way.

That’s what I tell myself, at least!

good to hear you’re sticking with it starbucc!

got up early to do Yoga this morning and kinda whimped out of it pretty early into it, during the holds that put stress on your thigh muscles which mine so so burned out I just couldn’t hold it :frowning:

gave up and showered, hopefully I’m feeling good enough after work to give it another shot tonight

Poop. I woke up late so no gym today. At least I’ll have most of the day tomorrow to make up for it. I weighed in Yesterday at 197.2 which I think may be the lowest I’ve been in ten years.

For those of you who like apps, I use the “Gym Buddy” app. It gives you a score depending on how much you workout - for weights mostly. It keeps a workout calendar and about a zillion stats and reports. Makes me work harder to try and beat my previous “score”

I really wanted to wear my new “Blue Sun” shirt to the gym today :frowning:

Good job everyone, keep up the great work!

Heya Gang,

A bit late to the game, but welcome to both Boonie and Tighgetsounchedalot!

Boonie, awesome with the goal! I was going to say “no sweat”, but, uh, I actually can’t promise that :slight_smile: We can probably promise the reverse of that actually! Even with the dumbbells, you’re probably going to want to incorporate some form of cardio into your plan. Couple of pages ago we discussed some at home cardio options and calisthenics, and there are always the old standbys (walking, running, biking, swimming - and their gym machine brethren).

TGPAL, have you worked Lego Millennium Falcon curls into your routine? That beast didn’t look light! OSSIM hitting 197.2 also!!!

Starbuccaneer - exactly what Darth said - great sticking to it. In any program there are going to be plateaus. Sometimes they’re just temporary, but sometimes its your body saying “okay, lets take it to the next level.” Consistency always seems to be the best plan in achieving your fitness goals!

Apollymy - great job as well with the loss. Remember, small loss + small loss + small loss = Reaching your target, so Way To Go! /cheer!

BKitty - saw a “Wolverines” on twitter last night, so I’m assuming you killed another bootcamp session? Way to go!!!

Great job everyone! And to anyone lurking or two shy to say hi, or worried that they’ve slipped - come on back and join us! We all have off days, but we’re here to support each other. /cheers /hugs (eeew, that was sweaty!) :smiley:

Greetings all. since it seems to be update time i shall contribute.

I don’t weigh myself because i don’t own a scale and find using one disheartening during weight fluctuations. (yes men have them too)

I have, however, dropped down 3 belt notches :slight_smile: keep it up everyone. I am always encouraged to see how everyone else is doing.

I did the sparatcus workout I and I’ve decided to go heavy and minimise the rest periods so I get a good strength workout while keeping the heart rate active. Another thing I’ve noticed is that there is no way I can do both Sparatcus I and II in one week.

Why do I say that, because after doing two days of the workout plus swimming/walking, I need a rest day to recover :). I’ve also noticed that I can only do two rounds of the circuit as it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to do 2.

Still in the 15 stone 13 range (223lbs).

I have to say that it’s killing the muscles, I can feel my abs nice and tight, obliques hurt good, lower back is nice and warm.

According to the WII fit, I have a BMI of 30.31 which has me bordering between obese and overweight. Hopefully I can drop a couple more pounds before I have to see the doctor in 3 weeks (his choice of whether to proceed with the operation is weight based).

For all those with minimal movement on the scale, I’ve had that for a while, but I know that things have become looser, so it might be that, no muscle loss, but your body fat percentage is dropping.

Wow- way to go everyone!

Setbacks can happen- I just dust off and get back on the horse. I tell you, the siren call of my old habits still plague me.

Wednesday, I got pissed that the sandwich counter that took my name for the healthy sandwich I ordered, let it go to someone else when they just called the main ingredient instead of using the frakking NAME insisted upon!!! Those of you who know me will not be surprised that I walked the store hollering the name of the person who STOLE MY SAMMICH!! lol!

Upon my return to the now embarrassed counter (I cited the name thing) I asked what was on the similar sandwich. It was loaded with deliciously fatty stuff that I refused to cave to. I let THEM eat it.

Then I got in my car, getting more pissed by the minute (did I mention I was sick and cranky which tends to lend a frightening edge to my humor?) and drove it straight to the Arches of Hell /doom voice. Where I ordered almost my total calorie allowance for the day. It was delicious and bad.

Then I killed it at bootcamp.

The next day I got back on the horse.

Regrets? I have a few.

ps: I really didn’t feel well at bootcamp, but I have to say I did feel better after. I felt a lessening of the sinus trouble I’ve had with our recent weather.

If we don’t get rained out, I’m going tonight!

2 days now without the gym. Today was my one day off and I had to do laundry & shopping. I’m starting to feel crappier every day that I don’t go work out. I think I am one of those people that gets a “high” from the exercise. Working over the weekend and my gym doesn’t have good hours so it looks like I’ll be using the jump rope and waiting until my vacation day on Monday to go to the gym.

Good job everyone!

I know what you mean about the ‘high’ Tigh, I haven’t worked out in 2 days now because my body has just been annihilated from work and all the recent activity so I’ve felt bloated and just in a bad mood from it

next week is my ‘easy’ week I was hoping to finish strong, but it looks like I’m going to have to make up what I missed these past two days this weekend and then have a shorter easy week

to give an example of how burned out my body is atm I went to bed at 8pm last night…slept through my 4am alarm to get up to exercise…eventually got up at 6:10am and STILL felt wiped :eek:

TGPAL, even a nice brisk walk on those days your schedule and the gym’s don’t mesh can really get your blood pumping and burn some calories. Fresh air too! :smiley:

Okay, so made some changes to my diet recently. More salad! Actually lots more salad, but good ones, with apples, mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots, (whatever’s available!), more fruits, veggies. No chips, no dips. One sandwich instead of two for lunch. Smaller dinner portions, but not so you’d notice. Just a little less. Hitting the treadmill a few times a week, grabbing the floor at home when I’m not busy and cranking out some push-ups and sit-ups a few times a day.

Have lost 9 lbs in a couple weeks without feeling hungry at all. Looking to lose about 6 more. I guess what I’m thinking is little changes, if you stick to them can make a difference.

Keep up with it everyone!

Hey all! :smiley:

I’m late in joining, but positive vibes of this thread rippled into my consciousness and I had to come see what’s up. What a great thread - I love reading everyone’s stories. I hope I can help, too!

Thanks for the ossim shoutout, Kitteh!

I have the same issue with audiobooks and cardio – for some reason I just can’t concentrate enough to pay attention to detail the way I want with a book. Like Nike and others, I rely on a pumpin’ dance, techno, or hip hop mix to keep me moving for cardio. I wear the couple-years old style iPod shuffle, the little square one with just fwd, reverse, and volume up and down on it. I clip it onto the waist band of my shorts and run the cords under my shirt so they don’t fly around when I run or bend over.

I feel it’s important to back up what Chuck is saying about being honest with yourself by facing the reality of what you’re eating, how much you’re burning (as best as you can tell), and your actual progress. It’s difficult, it’s scary, and it’s worth it.

It’s like going to the doctor – last fall I finally went in for a physical after 5-6 years and hesitantly inquired about an irregular-looking mole on my shoulder that had been there for years. They removed it, and after finding some abnormal cells, removed a larger, deeper chunk out of my shoulder. It sucked that if I’d told them about it years ago I might have avoided the scar. But you know what doesn’t suck? It wasn’t skin cancer. And if/when I get other odd moles, I’ll go in early and face the awful potential prospect, because the alternative is even worse. It’s better to know the truth than to get slammed later.

The response about fat-free cottage cheese is what our trainer told Chuck and me. It’s best not to eat within about 4 hours of going to bed, but it’s also true that the more you work out, the hungrier you get more often, compared to being sedentary. So the fat free cottage cheese, perhaps with added pineapple chunks, is what the trainer recommends for late-night hunger.

AGREED! For me, it’s been about HABIT. I’ve known from the beginning I couldn’t stick with any program that left me feeling hungry a lot, or eating things I hated, etc. So I’ve tried to maintain a healthy diet with a few moderate “slips” here and there. I go grocery shopping and load up on apples, tangerines, grapes, plums, etc. and do my best to keep them in sight and ready to eat.

Also, for me, working out is about habit and regular visits over time. I go usually about 4 days a week, though I used to go 3. I try to do 5 when I can, and if I can’t, I try to accept myself for it (Chuck helps a lot with this, too, and his support is a big part of my progress). Learning to not beat myself up emotionally over missing a day or not meeting my goal has been just as much a part of my overall positive changes as getting to the gym.

Okay, my basic info:

I started working out and consulting a trainer at the same time Chuck did, in Nov. 2009. Starting at 3 days/week and now 4, doing both cardio and strength training at the gym, I’m at T minus 75 lbs. from where I started, and I’m within 5 or 10 pounds of my final goal, which is actually a fitness level more than a weight goal.

I’m in a lot better shape than I was, but it’s still a lot of work, often physically painful, and always a decided commitment to maintain a healthier way of living. I make mistakes and slip - I’ve plateaued recently and am trying to break free and make more progress again - but the overall way I feel better is worth the hard work.

I’m excited to hear more from you guys and be part of this supportive group!

Wooo welcome aboard Audra! I too am having to come to terms with the fact that I can’t be perfect, I’ve been having slip ups with the diet (on the weekends) and usually falling 1 workout short of what I want to do each week (usually the Saturday workout). But reading some of the other poster’s comments on here about having the same issue has helped me accept it more.

Today was kind of an odd day…I ended up being talked into going out for pizza for lunch (and ate my fill) but also did my Yoga in the late afternoon, I’m sure the pizza did more damage than the good the Yoga did but at least it helped take the edge off and not feel so bad.

I know plateaues are hard to overcome, I hope you’ll pop in for some inspiration if you’re feeling down! I know a few times that I felt burned out and that I didn’t have the energy to exercise or when I was very tempted to just start flipping out and eating a bunch of stuff I shouldn’t I would come in and read the thread and calm down or find the energy to exercise.

And for anyone else out there who’s lurking in here don’t be shy, we don’t bite (well other than Amberite, but that was just the ONE time) :eek:

amazing progress there Topgun! 9lbs is amazing for a couple MONTHS let alone a couple weeks! :eek:

keep on trucking and you’ll get to where you want to be soon enough! :o

Cheers, Topgun! I think that small changes are the way to go and easier to stick with. Audra! Seventy-five pounds is amazing.

It’s Monday and after enjoying a Sunday of pure laziness I’m ready to get another week under my belt. I’m happy because last week I made it to all my scheduled workouts.

keep it up Nike! Has exercising finally become ‘routine’ for you or do you still have to fight yourself to go do it?

I’m on my ‘easy week’ in P90X right now…how OSSIM is it I don’t have to run for a full week? :smiley:

lots of core work and yoga this week, though I think I’m going to make up one of the Legs/Back routines that I was too wiped out to do the past couple weeks

Just got back from the gym and I weighed in at 195.4 when I was done working out!

Been so busy working that the last time I worked out was Wednesday.

I checked my iphone app and it says I weighed 210 two months ago.

Did not do too well on the eliptical. The last few times I was there, there was an attractive girl on the treadmill in front of me and I did an hour, today there was not so I only got 1/2 hour.

Talked to the personal trainer at the gym and he said I should eat more smaller meals, but that the stuff I was eating was good (brown rice, chicken, broccoli, etc)

yaaay for me.

Welcome Audra & good job everyone!

yes, I would!

I got a Vampiro at the juice shop today. Celery, beet, carrot, orange. Pretty good, though different tasting.

If I had a Vitamix I could make it myself. But they are too danged expensive. le sigh.

Been working on kicking my second sinus infection in a month.

Still going to bootcamp, though!

We attacked our bottoms last night- I feel like I got hit by baseballs in either side of mine! argh!

I suspect a big cardio night is in my future… lol!

Welcome to all who’ve thrown their lot in with our huggable, tho sweaty, crew! lol! That means you, too, Miss A!

Does anyone have a couple links to info about vitamin D? I’ve been searching, but getting mostly sites by sellers. The Doc put me on a big dose of D and a probiotic to get my immunities up, but I’d like to read more about it.

Till next time… WOLVERINES!!

here ya go Bkitty: clickage!

Vitamin D, otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin, is significant in normal body growth and development. In particularly, vitamin D is used to absorb calcium and phosphorus to create bone. Great sources of this supplement include fortified milk, oily fish, liver, and eggs.

How This Vitamin Works in Your Body:
Absorbs calcium and phosphorus to aid in the development of bones and teeth
Promotes normal cell growth and maturation
Prevents rickets
Maintains a healthy nervous and immune system
Treats low blood calcium with patients with kidney disease
Potential reduction in breast and colon cancer
Aging symptoms may be treated

The Following May Benefit from Taking Vitamin D:
Kids living in places with little sunshine
Those who need additional nutritional intake
People over 55 who receive little sunshine, such as those in nursing homes
Pregnant or breastfeeding women
Substance abusers
Those under prolonged stress
Those with partially removed intestinal tracts
Dark-skinned individuals
Babies who are breastfed
Vegan vegetarians
Cystic fibrosis patients

Where This Vitamin is Found:
Cod-liver oil
Egg substitutes
Halibut-liver oil
Vitamin-D-fortified milk

How to Use:
Available as:
Liquid: the best form due to its high bioavailability and fast absorption. Always choose liquid as your first choice when supplementing your diet.
Tablets: available
Recommended Daily Intakes
Men: 200 IU
(over 50) 400 IU
(over 70) 600 IU
Women: 200 IU
(over 50) 400 IU
(over 70) 600 IU
Pregnancy: 200 IU
Lactation: 200 IU

Consult your doctor if you have:
Have planned pregnancy while taking vitamin D
Heart or blood-vessel disease
Kidney, liver or pancreatic disease
Chronic diarrhea
Intestinal problems

Over 55:
Higher potential for adverse reactions and side effects.

Always consult doctor during pregnancy. Abnormalities within the fetus may occur in too high of a dose. Remember to keep within the DRI.

It is vital to normal growth and development of the child to get the correct intake of vitamin D. Always consult doctor during lactation. Remember to keep within the DRI.

Heat and/or moisture may alter the vitamin. Refrigeration is recommended.

Symptoms of Deficiency:
Symptoms include bone pain and tenderness and muscle weakness. In children, rickets may occur, in which bones lose calcium and become soft and curved. Without proper intake, there is an increased risk of osteoporosis, arthritis, and cancer.

Signs of Overdose:
High blood pressure
Irregular heartbeat
Weight loss
Abdominal pain
Appetite loss
Mental-and physical-growth retardation
Premature hardening of arteries
Kidney damage

Side Effects:
Reaction or effect : What to do
Loss of appetite : Discontinue. Refer to your doctor soon.
Constipation : Discontinue. Refer to your doctor soon.
Diarrhea : Discontinue. Consult doctor immediately.
Dry mouth : Discontinue. Refer to your doctor soon.
Headache : Discontinue. Consult your doctor immediately.
Increased thirst : Discontinue. Refer to your doctor soon.
Mental contusion : Discontinue. Consult your doctor immediately.
Nausea or vomiting : Discontinue. Consult your doctor immediately.
Unusual tiredness : Discontinue. Refer to your doctor soon.

Interacts with : Combined effect
Antacids with aluminum : Absorption of vitamin D reduced.
Antacids with magnesium : People with kidney failure should be aware of possibly too much magnesium
in the blood.
Anticonvulsants : Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.
Barbiturates : Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.
Calcitonin : Calcitonin effect reduced when treating hypercalcemia.
Calcium (high doses) : Risk of hypercalcemia increased.
Cholestyramine : Vitamin absorption reduced.
Colestipol : Vitamin absorption reduced.
Cortisone : Vitamin absorption reduced.
Digitalis preparations : Heartbeat irregularities increased.
Diuretics, thiazide : Hypercalcemia risk increased.
Hydration : Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.
Mineral oil : Absorption of vitamin D increased.
Phosphorus- containing medicines : Risk increased of too much phosphorus in blood.
Primidone : Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.
Vitamin-D derivatives : Increased potential for toxicity due to additive effects.
Alcohol : Depletes storage of vitamin D in liver.

DIY protein bars:
