Dragon*Con 2008 - Aug 29-Sept 1

Strangely the same excuse I used. :smiley:

I will be home late tomorrow. I may get to post some tonight, but we shall see.

I am at a friends house in Atlanta until tomorrow afternoon, then the flight home.

Just popping in here to say it sounds like you all had a great time (I’m so jealous!) and to ask if anybody was lucky enough to go to the Science in Science Fiction panel. Word has it they showed the BSG S4.5 promo (twice!) in that panel and nowhere else. Why they’d have it there and not in one of the, hmm, I don’t know, BSG panels, is a bit beyond me, but oh well.

Well I know that Steve and his group as well as myself did not. In fact I am betting the majority of the BSG fans were not in attendance as that panel was at 10 pm on Saturday - when most, if not all of us where at the Colonial Fleet Party.

The panel was not part of the SciFi media track (where all of the BSG panels were), but the Science track I believe - which I didn’t have a schedule for before hand.

Well I am home, and pretty exhausted.

I hope Steve and his travelling friends made it home through the hurricane.

I am sure stories will be surfacing soon (and I will try and write up something, but it is all a blur at the moment)

Well, we made it home about an hour or two ago. Ran just a few miles south of the eye of Gustav on the way through Louisiana. Frak, did it rain a lot.

Will try to post pics soon.

Finally someone posted a parade video.


I’m the second marine at 5:22…my brother is right behind me and my wife is the deckhand closest to the camera at the end :slight_smile:

The three of us appear in at least two places on the 'net in our Buy More costumes…THIS is the best one.

OK, so I haven’t had the time to write up a Con report yet, in fact I don’t have nearly the number of as I did last year, but I have lots of friends who do, so I may leave it to them - but as I remember stories I will post them here.

I don’t feel like I got to hang out with anyone at all - there were just too many people there from the various places I hang out (28 bunnies/bunny spouses, 20 or so other skiffy members, 5 or 6 from here, and 10 or more from Live Journal) - so I don’t feel like I have any stories to share.

The only story I will share is this - many of you know last year we got our picture taken with Jamie, that Aaron put on a pink bunny shirt and joined us in our picture. Well since Jamie canceled this year we decided to see if we could get someone else to don the pink shirt and join us in a group picture. We with the help of Froggy’s Photographers succeeded…

We asked EJO nicely if he would wear one of 2 shirts - a black one with the new logo (located at the top of Bamberbunnies.com) or the traditional pink (or he didn’t have to wear one of our shirts at all. Well EJO said immediately - oh I want to wear the pink one. He gave each of us a hug as we came in and said we were one of his favorite groups there. After the picture he asked if he could keep the shirt, of course we said yes and even gave him the black one. He said he is going to wear one the next time he sees Jamie. We told him we would love to see Jamie’s reaction to that one.

I know the Bunnies have all of the BSG panels on tape and have started to up load them. There are also some wonderful writers who are doing Con reports, so please feel free to check them out:


Keep checking back as there are at least 3 more panels (including one of just EJO) to be up loaded.

We also got interviews with Michael Hogan and Richard Hatch. We tried to get James Callis, but we ran out of time for that one. And while we had one scheduled with EJO with the craziness of the weekend it wasn’t able to happen during D*C.

That’s cuz the bamberbunnies ROCK!!!

I remember seeing you guys!! I wasn’t really sober at the time.
But I remeber the shirts and thinking: Damn BamberBunnies! Tahmoh is so much more beautiful.:stuck_out_tongue:

Well you should have said hello - one of the bunnies would have gladly pointed me out (my handle is the same over there, and most of them call me Rae in person).

As for the Tahmoh thing - I don’t get it (he just isn’t my type), but may of the bunnies find him attractive too - I know several went to his panel on Sunday, and I took some great pics from one of the panels, as did our webmistress (or her hubby) took some great ones with thier digital SLR - they are in the gallery.

I will post mine at some point, I promise.

Tahmoh doesn’t do much for me either. Helo, on the other hand–that man is sexy

don’t ask. I can’t explain

Oh come ON!! Look at the beauty of Hottie Hot Guy!!

(he told us to call him that after several failed attempted to pronounce his real name)

Here’s me with Mal & Wash.

I mean Corporate Tool & Pirate Steve.:smiley:

I took several pictures. This is one is the most relevant to this forum.

That. Is. Awesome. :smiley:

Even I think Tahmoh was hot…er…in a manly way :slight_smile:

Man - I gotta get to come conventions. I would absolutely die to have my pic with Capitan Tightpants and Wash!!!

They are so much fun. The actors are cool, most of the time.
359 more days until next one. Start saving.