Dragon*Con 2008 - Aug 29-Sept 1

I was trying to remember where I saw that picture before, and then I remembered it’s in the dictionary next to “Shit-Eating Grin.”

Umm. Okay, that’s a little mean.

Wait. It is? How?

OK, that’s just crazy! :smiley: I, on the other hand think they are BOTH h-h-h-hoOotttttt.

You said…

Ah. Is that not au courant?

“An expression of extreme self-statisfaction.”

It’s probably better to err on the side of good-naturedness here at GWC, Adriana- we hardly ever snipe at our own! Altho there are a few different ways to go here, my money is on Pike simply meaning : You look REALLY REALLY happy. And rightly so !! Nice pic ! :D:D

yup, that was my impression too. Pike is definitely a wielder of the snark, but I think you misinterpreted him on this occasion

So, everybody who went…

Pictures please !!! It’s been over a week, surely the hangovers are gone by now !:smiley:

I’m still trying to get over the con crud…should be good today I think…however, most of my stuff was video…

Sorry. I’ve never heard that phrase. :confused:
It sounds very “2 girls & 1 cup”.

D*C GWCer’s -

If any of you have pics of Aaron Douglas or Colin Corrigan that you don’t mind sharing Michelle from Aarondouglasfans.com collects them and puts them up there (giving credit of course).

If you don’t mind e-mailing them to her, I am sure she would appreciate them (her address is on the site, but if you can’t find it PM and I’ll send it to you).

I guess if you read it literally, it does indeed. :eek:

Do people just not say that anymore?

Anyway, carry on with the pictures and whatnot.

A couple D*C pics before bed:

One of my favorites I took of EJO (from Friday):

Other shots from that panel:

I love Aaron’s shirt

Helo taking pictures (he does this a lot in panels)

Callis - whom we learned is going to playing Merlin in either a series or TV movie

Aaron, and Colin Corrigan (who plays a Marine and a background character, but apparently gets a bigger role during 4.5)

Alright, here is the vid of me and my wife in costume with Michael Hogan.

I must say that I really need to edit it down, but I wanted to at least get it up so I could show it to people.


“Could someone take the godsdamn camera away from this guy?”

Michael Hogan is my hero.

Michael Hogan was great, and genuinely seemed to have a blast all weekend

Have you seen all the stuff the bunnies have - it includes an interview with Michael Hogan - they have “Woah” lessons.
