Giant SQUEEEEE! for everyone! I can’t wait to read the posts!
So far, just went to James Marsters?? (Spike) panel. He is hilarious. He made the most mundane questions funny.
My favorite question: “Between John Barrowman & SMGellar, who did you like kissing more?” Guess the answer.
Can’t wait to see him in DBZ!!
Missed the panel w/ Nathan Fillion & Alan Tudyk. The line was soooo long.
So far, so fun.
Back from day 1 - and completely exhausted.
Met-up with Steve and Company
Stood in some lines (the ones for the panels were pretty long)
Went to a Torchwood Panel and the BSG panel (We have the BSG one on video).
Walked around the Walk of Fame (where you get autographs) and through some of the hotels. Stood in some more lines with friends getting autographs (I haven’t gotten any yet - doing that likely on Sunday)
Hung out with various groups of friends from all over the world (we’ve got at least 10 states, Canada, UK and Australia represented)
Well it is late and I am beat. Heading to bed.
The coolest thing I did today was come across Michael Hogan taking a smoke break (we were doing our BSG ceegar break) and went all fanboyish on him for like 20 seconds. I felt completely stupid but he seemed to really enjoy it. He is a very gracious and friendly person.
Line for Olmos’ auto was long compared to Hogan’s when I went through. Four in Hogan’s and about 40 in Olmos’. That, and one was $30 cheaper than the other contributed to me meeting Mr. Hogan twice today
I have not made it to any TV panels today as I have been geeking out on the MMO track and just wandering from hotel to hotel having our pictures taken in either our “Chuck” Buy More costumes or our BSG related costumes.
Oh, has everyone found the consuite yet? Really good PBJ sammiches and popcorn were being served about an hour ago there and they had plenty of SG-1 on the TVs. Second floor Hyatt, room 226 I believe. Take the stairs in the northeast corner of the main floor and hang an immediate right, you will find it.
So far I’ve had three Orange Juliuses. Got into a fun conversation with Captain America there for a bit.
When my wife got her Fillion and Tudyk autos Tudyk geeked out on her “Chuck” costume for a bit. She got her Abby Shots (sp?) browncoat auto’d by Fillion, so that was pretty sweet.
Tomorrow all three of us will be in the parade with the Colonial Fleet. Two marines and one deckhand. I will be the marine dying from heat exhaustion.
Those of us here need to try and hookup for lunch or something in the foodcourt tomorrow or Sunday.
Hydrate beforehand, Steve. Passing out in the middle of formation is considered very bad form !!
Have extra fun for all of us, Ok ?? Damn…still jealous. Next year, dammit !!
Almost got run over by Olmos coming out of the Marriott. He had his head down and that determined Adama look on his face. I complied and stepped out of his way
I’m beat, laying in bed thinking about a short nap before the 5:30 BSG panel.
Up to five Orange Juliuses now.
Funniest thing I saw today was the Gingerbread Man…with a lightsaber.
If only you’d bumped into him and a fistfight erupted !! What a Con story it would’ve made !!
“Adm Adama beat me up at DragonCon”…
Still very, very jealous. Rest up and rock on !!
Just got back from the BSG partay…
Took lots of video
Six Orange Juliuses consumed.
The DQ doesn’t know how to make a chocolate chip Blizzard
Found a Chuck to go with our Buy More costumes, haven’t hooked up yet for a group shot though.
Off to bed now. Colonial Fleet photo shoot in seven hours. Pondering whether or not to do full marine gear or just my off-duty bdus.
When do we get pictures?
How do I post pics here? I have sooo many. Probably not as much as others.
When was SHE there?!? I feel betrayed by D*C!!! :mad:
What’d I miss? Says no longer available?
I will be uploading vids and screencaps from vids as soon as I can. Got a great bit of me and my wife in full costume with Hogan.
Wore my SG-13 costume tonight. Got interviewed for the Sony Online Entertainment podcast (woot!).
Oh, should have a good group pic from this morning of the few Colonial Fleet people that were NOT told that the group picture this morning was cancelled.
Met one of the “extras” that is usually in marine garb. We talked shop for a little bit
Now we have to figure out when to drive back to Dallas and try if at all possible to miss what we can of Gustav.
Raemani is awesome btw.
Also, Orange Julius count is at seven.
Try again. The embedding feature in youtube has be glitchy lately.
(It’s Felica “Penny” Day getting ambushed by a “Bad Horse” chorus. Delightful)
Direct link:
I will be posting mine when I get home.
Hanging out with the bunny peeps at the moment (and a little on the drunk side).
I promise more updates when I get home.
Ok, so when do you get home?
That would be a good excuse to miss work. Sorry boss I have Gustov between you and me. It is very believable.
Well we searched and high and low and could not for the life of us find the GWC folks…Which was difficult due to the enormous amount of BSG fans there!!!
So all I can really say at this time about DragonCon is…Holy Frak! what a blast…so much fun…
Got home late last night b/c we left early to avoid the evacuees. Hopefully will have pictures up soon.