yay! thank you!
So who’s dressing up & as what?
Well for the Firefly fans the group keeps getting better:
They have added Alan Tudyk!!!
I found this on Live Journal, just in case anyone going wants print it out.
may I make a request that if anyone is going to the following Whedonverse events on Saturday that you take copious notes and report back here?
Cavemen vs Astronauts
A lively debate on perhaps the single most important
question ever asked in the Whedon Universe. B Evander; 8:30 P; L401-L403 [M]
Oh My God! You killed Jenny!
A look at the top 10 most tragic deaths brought to you
by Joss Whedon. Tears will fall and sparks will fly as
we count them down together. 5:30 P; L401-L403 [M]
- Buy More employee (“Chuck”)
- BSG Marine
- Colonel Dixon SG-13 (“Stargate: SG-1”)
- Was going to do Jaine. Don’t really want to go into why I’m not now. Even had a good start on Vera.
Yes, three of those characters are played by Adam Baldwin, so I was kinda bummed that he had to cancel…again.
I’ve already highlighted most of them. Whedonverse, Firefly, Buffy Season 8
And if you noticed… the Buffy Horror Picture Show is right after Dr Horrible.
You will have reports & pics.
2 more day!!!
Alright, do we want to try and get everyone together around 11:00ish at the foodcourt on Friday?
What food court would that be Steve?
For those of DFW area folks that are sojourning to Atlanta as well.
And does anyone else feel as if they may implode from the geeky goodness?
Heeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllooooooooooo everyone!!
I R excited!!
Is anyone else leaving from the DFW area Thursday night by chance… Following and traveling goodness together???
Please let us know!
This sounds good to me.
The Food Court is in the Peachtree Mall that is connected to 2 of the 4 con hotels by elevated walkways. I believe that it is the Marriott and the Hilton
Now the Food Court itself is pretty big. The only thing I can think of that is there is a Chick-fil-A and a sandwich place (similar to Panera Bread) near that.
A link to a good list of restaurants - https://share.acrobat.com/adc/adc.do?docid=30476846-b288-4398-bce8-42b6df042a22
Anything in the Peachtree Center is in or near the food court.
I say we pick someplace to meet and we can go from there.
Some of you have my phone number - anyone who would like it PM me.
Near the Chik-Fil-A sounds good. We’ll more than likely be the three people that are wearing green shirts and khaki pants.
Naw, we’re leaving in about 24 hours. Yes, we’re leaving at 12:01 AM on Thursday. Holy crap…24 hours!
I wonder how many other people are up putting the final details on costumes right now. I did get cigars though, so I’m good to go when it is all said and done.
OK, Chick-fil-a at least to meet it is.
The sandwich shop I was thinking of was the Atlanta Bread Company. I know I ate there last year and was decent. Of course we can grab a table and then get what ever we want from there.
Who all is joining us. I have no idea what I am wearing yet, but there are pictures of me posted in various places, so if you see me just yell. I normally will answer to Rae or Raemani or my given name (which is Kristin for those who don’t know)
I know I can speak for: Myself, Gothicjossminion, Missmuffet, plus one (not on GWC).
We will meet you all there. I dunno what we will be wearing either…But I will be the long haired, 6’4", lumbering mass moving through the food court… I will more than likely be wearing all black (it’s slimming)…
Peachtree Foodcourt…Chic-fil-a…
We are leaving DFW Thursday about 730-8 PM ish… 12 hourish drive…
Oh…what TIME are we suppose to meet… I knew there was something else…
According to Steve, it’s around 11. But I have to check with some people. We’re taking pictures with the awesome Nathan, Alan, & James.
As far as I know we are meeting at 11 am on Friday. The Con doesn’t kick off until about 1 pm that day (and in fact there is a panel I want to see then, so we will have like an hour and a half to hang before that).
There will likely not be any photo ops that early since that is the set-up time for many people.
And it looks like there will be about 8 of us (if I counted correctly and not missing anyone). There might be several more with me - they listen to the cast, but dont post or some of the Bunnies, not sure yet.
Just heard that The Protomen are playing
-August:29th - Atlanta, GA - DRAGON•CON @Marriott Atrium Ballroom ALL AGES - 11:57PM
Do yourselves a favor, see that show. It’s as much theater as concert. It’s something like ‘rock opera based on the MegaMan games,’ but you don’t have to know anything about the games’ storyline to enjoy the show.
Well I have arrived safely (about 4 hours ago, and only an hour late).
Can’t wait to meet up with the GWCers tomorrow.
I did however see Michael Hogan in the airport - just in passing.
We be here as well. The line for the passes went fairly quickly.
I will be at the food court around 10:30 - 11:00ish. Will be wearing green shirt and khaki pants.
I know what Cyclon_sleeper looks like so hopefully that will be made all the easier.
Oh, driving from Dallas was fun…
Time for me to get to bed since I have basically been up for 40+ hours as it is (yeah, I took little catnaps here and there, but those don’t count ;p)