
I’m holding out hope that season two is better then one…

I just don’t think it will be…

I like Joss but sometimes I have to admit when something isn’t good…Dollhouse may not be good…

The first season of Buffy wasn’t great either, but it got better. I’m willing to give Joss the benefit of the doubt.

Granted the way it’s presented here would not happen in reality. However, actors, writers & the like go to various PD’s around the country for just this sort of research for a project they’re working on.

Like I said: it works as a one shot. An author working with a police department as a freelance deputy in the name of “research” stretches my credulity just beyond its limit.

Now if they were, say, allowing a film crew to tag along for a ‘reality’ show, that would be perfectly believable.

So the rumor coming out of Comic Con was that another BSG actor was going to guest star in Dollhouse…

It was confirmed today that Jamie Bamber will be in the season premiere of Dollhouse.

So that makes Tahmoh, Mark and Jamie from BSG, and Alan from Firefly.

I am also hearing rumors of Summer making an appearance

Yes, Joss was answering questions after the Epitaph One screening – someone asked him who we would see in the next season, and he confirmed it.

Also heard Alexis Denisof will show up for a few. makes me happy dude always makes me laugh.

I wonder what role Jamie will play and if he will have a scene with Tahmoh or Mark.

That rocks my world!

He just might–evidently he is someone who is heavily involved in an engagement with Echo and her new handler Ballard (Tahmoh Penikett)


Can you say…SQUEEEEEEE???

I knew you could!

Still can’t understand why Paul changed his mind so quickly and is now working for the Dollhouse??

Or does he try to bring down the hole organization from inside.

Maybe he did get an imprint off-screen???:smiley:

That would be cool… I’m wondering if Joss will have him speak in his natural British accent, or do an American one.

I’m pleased that the show is getting more time to grow. If it had ended at Epitaph I would have been upset. I missed the part where he mention Jamie, but did hear him say Summer. I think it will be a strong season.

I knew you would enjoy this news and I am pretty excited about it myself.

That is what I am hearing.

I am hoping for his natural accent, since he doesn’t get to use it very often…even in L&O:UK he has a more cockney accent then his more posh natural accent.

But I am guess it will be an American accent.

I don’t know that Joss said anything about it at CC, but it was a rumor coming out of CC that Jamie would be in it. Then one of the girls at Live Journal confirmed it with his publicist (and it is a person I now has that contact information, but not a bunny)

Wow, that would be awesome! I’d love to see Jamie Bamber in there working along side Tahmoh. And, I’d love to see Alexis in there too.

btw, so I watched epitaph one, and wow, that was one hell of an episode. But is it just me, or is seeing even [spoiler]a child play Echo [/spoiler] more interesting than seeing Dushku play Echo?

I really hope Dushku gets better at it next season, since she and the character are pretty crucial to the longevity of the show.

Epitaph One is an amazing episode but I would have enjoyed it even if it wasn’t that great because Felicia Day is in it.

I don’t have a problem with Dushku playing Echo. I actually like her performance in the series so far.

“Why?” you ask…


Yay! I just saw that on Chicago Tribune as well…can’t wait til this is back on.