Thanks. It is time to start coming up with a story now.
I created a new ship that will be the fighters for the Enemy battleship. I may have these ship be AI. What do you think of the design?
I like it. If you make them AIs, ditch the canopy.
Sounds like a plan. Full thrusters ahead.
Need your help GWC
I may change a panel here or there but I think this is the design and color scheme I am going to use as the alien AI attack fighter.
What do you guys and gals think of this design?
The Carrier is 500m, the battlecruiser is 16km. What do you think of this, I am planning on a few carriers to take on the battlecruiser. But is it too big?
Having the battlecruiser outmass a carrier by a 32:1 ratio seems a bit much. If I heard of an encounter between a battlecruiser and a carrier, I’d expect the carrier to be larger than the battlecruiser considering how many smaller craft it has to hold and maintain. If using your model, a battlecruiser has 32x more space than a carrier, why even bother making the carrier at a fraction of the size? Besides, even if you had a dozen carriers against that battlecruiser, it still seems very one-sided in the battlecruiser’s favor.
I was kinda going with the Super Stardestroyer principle here. At this moment, my thinking is to have a single Battlecruiser with its fighters against a number of carriers that have bombers and missile attack ships. I also looked at the sizes of EVE ships as reference. I may scale down the Battlecruiser, but I think I still want a story with a large single ship vs. many smaller ships.
I haven’t read back too far, but as far as designs go, I like 'em. If you’re still picking between those two designs a few posts up, I’m partial to the triangular, “A Wing” style ship. From a practical standpoint, it makes much more sense as a space ship. Without atmopshere, there’s no need for that winged design. It looks more “realistic” to have something compact and maneouverable.
as far as your big ship designs. I do think a battlecruiser would be larger than a carrier. My thoughts behind this is that ordinance sort of scales up exponentially. For instace, a fighter flies to its target and launches missles or torpedoes. You’re doing tonnes of damage, a little bit at a time. A battlecruiser would have giant rail cannons and some sort of energy weapons. These would require huge banks of batteries and/or capacitors, with a huge engine core or many engines working simultaneously. Think of how the entire Death Star was basically built to fire that one giant weapon. The planet killing laser cannon was the vast majority of the Death Star, whereas the hangers and TIE fighter support systems were a realitively small part of it.
Thanks for your opinion. I am am going with the “A-wing” design. I have to get the materials fixed on my models. I will be posting a video soon of the missile fighter.
Test firing of laser canons
Many layers of animation to add, but it feels good to get the camera working using Cycles.
I have added more elements to the shot. What do you guys think?
Smooth, but rather dark.
Thanks, I am currently re-rendering the animation with a brighter sun and still at 720P.
A new updated sequence, but youtube screwed up the encoding. will have to try again.
What do you think?
New and improved. What do you guys think? Do you lile the particle exhaust or would just a glowing section feel more Sci-Fi?
I thot the first video was very dark. This was an issue they had on the Babylon 5 series with the Shadow vessels. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the series. They used actually images of space from the Hubble telescope as background.
In the recent video, you can see the ship better until it pans underneath. Perhaps add the red on the bottom of the ship as it appears on the top.
I do know of Babylon 5, I just wasn’t that into it at the time. As for my animation, I can add in a second light source to show off the underside on the hull. I am wondering what you think of the exhaust. I am wondering if I should go with the more star wars style of a glowing engine coil over showing exhaust particles.