Can anyone recommend free/cheap graphic editing software? I have GIMP, but I ran into a bunch of problems trying to edit the FSL templates.
It is a free online service that I found to edit the cards. It does not save to photoshop, but it saves to jpeg, png, and tiff.
Does this look better?
A little. You still want to group the rear ones into batteries. More like:
now I am going to start greebling the hell out of this ship to give it some depth.
I’m still running into the same problem with it not letting me edit the existing text in the text layers.
I think you have to have full blown Photoshop to change them. But if you use pixlr, you would be putting a new text box in. then you can edit that text box in that program.
awesome, btw. : )
Well I’m still doing the 3D stuff as well as plan for the adventures of logan… but I’ve also decided to learn the fundementals of art and so I’m learning how to draw…Faces are my nemisis though…Just need to get it stuck in my head on how to do it. In the meantime, I’m practising everyday drawing anatomy, perspective/figure drills. It’s all good fun…Here is a picture I copied from the net.
Wondering if I should go to the Tron universe with my story?
What do you guys think?
Looks good against a gray background.
so, you think it would be cool to have my battle in the universe of Tron? Not sure how the capital ships battling will go, but worth a try.
I like your stuff a lot, iGhost! My arena isn’t 3D, it’s more like the 2D world. I’ve been employed as a graphic designer for press printing for approximately 20 years, and am avidly interested in illustration as a hobby. If you’d like a peek at my official site, you’re more than welcome:
I’m working on character conceptions and designs for my own manga title, it’s just taking longer than I expected… If you’re interested, some of my fun stuff can be found at:
Nothing much on the 3d side as I’m still learning how to draw and learning the skills for that, I’m also desgining the vehicles and mechs, characters and environments for the world of logan starblazer.
I’m also designing a logo for this part of the web just to see if I can do it.
Was thinking about the design of the dragon for this part of the forum - Which one would you want more developed. Dragon on the title or dragon in the air burning the letters - Was thinking this would be good on the back of a thsirt which a dragon face clenching the title on the front…
My latest sketchbook attempts at drawing portraits
Those are really good!! Whenever I try drawing people they turn out looking like gigantors and my self-portraits look very square-faced man-esque. But you’re doing great!
Ok, what do you guys think? I am about to the point of starting to make some story. I could use help on the story if someone has some ideas.
Looks good. Reminds me of Robotech for some reason.