Digital/Graphic arts


Solved - I had a render layer on for the lights thus it was doing something funky - once i switched it off I go this

Still got to work on the texture on the base and the ground but the main focus is the building.

More like a cow than a dragon

I’m trying to make a couple signatures, but I keep running into the problem of finding pictures that would be good pieces of it but either aren’t the right size or aren’t the right quality. :frowning:

What you trying to find a picture of?

It varies. I’m trying to make Chuck and Smallville signatures and trying to find pictures of different characters.

Well, redid the dragon head as satanic bullwinkle wasn’t doing it for me.

Still in progress, need to add more horns on to the head - but almost on Video 2 - Once I stopped trying to copy the dragonand go with m y creative flow, then the dragon started to emerge.

In the proper wireframe mode - I thikn the problem areas are going to be the nose, mouth and around the eyes - the topology is not pretty to look it, very messy - but its all a learning process.

I’ve decided that this dragon piece is my first ‘commissioned’ piece and that I’m going to have to submit it by let’s say ‘Next Saturday’. It’ll keep me focused and I think I’ll learn more efficently this way :). That’s including texturing and animation btw.

So the learning is still going well, I’m currently doing a box modelling of a dragon that I plan to use in an animation for this part of the forum, trying out new skills to see if I can do a title sequence that involves the dragon.

Seen a new tutorial on a site I’m on, so will use that to do something for the FSL. Once this is done, new project awaits. Working on the space cartoon/characters so there will be alot of ‘what do you think of this character’ moments.

Sounds like you are progressing nicely. I have been trying to get a dual boot of Ubuntu working on my Windows 7 machine because Blender and Cycles is suppose to be faster in that OS.

I have decided to take out the “star destroyer” in favor of this ship. It is over 14km. I just need to do a lot of detailing. I don;t know if I should go the curved look or more boxey, ie Eve Ships. What do you all think?

Go Dragons!!!

What do you guys think of this design?

Yeah, this one’s a lot cooler.

Thanks I am doing tweaks to it right now.

I like them both, but the last one the best.

So I’m still going strong, still reading as much as I can and following tutorials trying to learn different techniques.

This is my latest tutorial creation, I still have to finish off the materials side of things, but hopefully it’ll be a good representation of a steampunk telescope.

Working on rotating the earth so that the lights come on as it goes into darkness. Learnt about bump mapping, texture mapping and node compositing. An example of what you could do is shine a light onto a human head, one layer is skin, the other is cyborg. As the light travels across the face, the skin changes :slight_smile:

Also going to be using these sort of techniques for my logan starblazer story.

Got to work out why its squished

I need some advice. I am not sure on the turret placement. the turrets are 45m is size. what do you think of them?

Too evenly spaced. You want batteries of two or three close together.

Also, you’re going to need some at the bow.

Thanks for the advice. I am debating if I should take out the angles and make the main hull more boxey. What do you think about that idea?

I don’t follow. Take out the angles and make it more boxey?

instead of the aerodynamic look, having more of a stepped look where the surfaces are closer to perpendicular to each other.

Oh, gotcha.

No, don’t do that.