Digital/Graphic arts

You might start on what interests you the most. If 3d is what you’re after you might begin with some templates that give you structure and alter from there.

Programs like Blender are good but also Bryce and Poser are excellent areas to play with as well as that well give you actors and backgrounds/environments very quickly.

For instance with the Capoeria stuff you could make an environment in Bryce in an hour and render it then build a figure in poser and import them together and do the path to animate the motion as you see fit (which is the hard part anyway). Multiple programs and building on the strengths of each always makes it easier than just starting from pollys when you’re starting out.

Just a thought :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice, I realise that doing it poly by poly is the hard way, but the above is more for learning the theory on how everything works, the why and how. I’ll check it out and then go from there.

I look forward to hearing more of your advice :)…I might need your drawing skills esp when it comes to the Adventures of Logan Starblazer :p.

As wolverines are mean little suckers on the ground that you don’t want to mess with, we need to be up in the clouds. One thing that popped into my head would be “Raptors”. Not only birds of prey with our heads up in the clouds but also the BSG tie-in. Another title would be “Dragon-riders”, but that may be too long but makes me think artistic. Or we could go with just “Dragons” because we artists are so diverse.

I like the Dragons :slight_smile:

Hmmm, mythical creatures of imagination… I dig it. Perhaps after I finish FSL’s first challenge this week I should work up some art to that effect :slight_smile:

The first challenge is going to be this week? I thought you’d announce team criteria and give us a week to put our teams together first.

lol, relax, you’ve got time. However we are looking at putting more production value into doing the challenges so I am making them earlier. :slight_smile:

I have got to get caught up on my casts because this is news to me. Is there info in the last cast so that I can get my team ready?

Did you get my earlier suggestion on FSL of using 3 GWCers verse Crue with each person having one character?

I had a look at the Bryce program, that’s a mean piece of software, spent hours mucking around with it… Looks like fun :slight_smile:

I have finally able to watch Tron Legacy and listen to that cast. Sean, how many light trail effects have you have to create since the movie came out? Or have you tried to recreate them yet.

Nope the intro is going to be in this weeks cast. :slight_smile:

And yes I did and I think there are a few changes to this one that make it kind of a hybrid type of affair. :smiley:

It is indeed fun sir. You can make any kind of object or environment with it and the fractals it makes are stunning. I built many a vehicle and world space in Bryce. :slight_smile:

We’ll just say many and leave it at that. EVERYONE wanted glowy contrails for a while. It’s died down some now though.

Glad to hear that it has died down some. I have a software question, have you used DAZ Studio?

“Go Dragons”

Loading DAZ Studio and actually looked at the terms and condition. The company is just up the road about 15 miles from where I live. Small fickin’ world.

I have, however I prefer Poser. You can do great work with either but poser works like my brain does so it’s quicker for me.

Go Dragons

Thanks for the advise. I am going to see if DAZ Studio will work for my animation needs because I need to create pilots for my ships that I have created in Blender.

Go Dragons

Practically finished my latest tutorial in learning the techniques, theory of 3d art and blender.

I’m still sorting out why it’s not rendering properly (I can see flashes of the product but then it goes black Shrug

Anyway, here’s the wireframe version

BishopMontanha that building looks pretty good. I used to help design those at my last job. I can take a look at it if you want, see if I can help.

Here is the latest ship

She is 4100m long and 1100m wide to give a sense of size.

Shot of Bridge area under ship

Engines in need of details, but direction I am headed.

I know it looks close to a star destroyer, but it needs something, I just don’t know what. will add more guns soon.
Go Dragons

Sure - Here is the link for the blend file

Here is the link for the blend file (Can’t upload at work) -

I have a feeling that it’s something to do with my render settings.

I’ve seen a tutorial for a dragon so I’m going to try and create that, rig it so it can fly, make it land on a GWC logo and set fire to it…It might take a while but me likes a challenge.

I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying creating this. Yes it was annoying at times, but it was good figuring stuff out.

Space ship looks good? some grit. Maybe it’s too clean (as in clean lines, maybe needs some essence of depth - Not crit just ideas I’m throwing out.

That sounds hot and just what the Dragons need to show it to those Wolverines. I kid, I kid.

Not a problem, if you can’t take some criticism, you really can’t be a great artist.

that one is the BMP, not the blend file.