New iPod art. This time I drew it in a vector art app called Paintbook.
Danger Will Robinson!
My new iPod Touch art, painted w/brushes app.
Flickr page
And here’s the “Making Of” movie:
And here’s the “Making Of” movie:
/strongbad on
/strongbad off
Wow. Just… wow.
More art from my iPod, “fingerpainted” using the Brushes app:
That’s great. I gotta get that app.
I recommend it to everyone.
Good for almost anything paper’s good for – Passing notes, tic-tac-toe, hangman, dirty doodles…
(can’t figure out how to make an iPod airplane yet)
My 2-year-old is now asking to paint on my “little 'puter” with me. Here’s a sample of her work:
You should put a gallery together. You’re both very talented.
I have been a graphic designer for the printing industry and web site design for over 15 years. I will be setting up my own home design studio in the coming months, and will be putting together a sampler portfolio online of new graphic arts samples that I will create.
The problem is that the work I’ve done immediately becomes the property of the customers, so the samples I was able to scavenge are quite old… I hope that I’ll have a reason to announce the opening of my home studio at some point!
UPDATE: My site up and presentable at
I’m no where near the talents of the perople that are posting here, but hopefully I can use this thread to post up my journeys from newbie stick man to fully fledged artist.
I’m using Blender 3D and the main reason that I’m learning are:
- I’ve always been interested in drawing in that I always wished I could
- I have an idea for a sci fi story and I wanted to capture some visuals to aid me in writing. However, if I can do an animated short, of the story then that would be ace.
- The above program uses pthyon as its scripting language which has cross over into my software testing work.
- I want to produce awesome stuff.
I’ll post my first couple of renders (from tutorials) when I get home.
BishopMontanha, its nice to see another fellow blender user. I think I am going to move my works from an other spot on the forum to here for some critiques. I am also looking at creating an animation to tell a story. I am planning a space battle as the major part of this animation. I am currently using the Experimental render branch of Blender that is called Cycles. I will post my images soon.
I’ve seen that cycles about, have to read up on it. I have to say that I’m amazed by Blender, right now I’m learning about how to attach bones to my simple man model I made from a tutorial. Last night, learnt how to wrap texture around an object.
I was listening to a games industry podcast and they were talking about being a tech artist, if I had any sense of artistic talent, that would be right up my street. I found a book in the local bookstore that teaches you how to draw for £5 - think I might pick it up, be good to see how to factor things in like perspective,etc.
I look forward to seeing your work. Any tips on the animation side of things would be great. I’m here to shoot the breeze with ya.
Well I’m slowly going through tutorials for blender and I’m still trying to understand the difference type of modelling tips and tricks. It’s slowly coming together, made a goblet this morning using cube extraction, tonight its a silver goblet via cyclinder extraction.
Tried to get the glass effect, and I think I’m some what there but still need to get the settings right to make it look like glass. Also need to get the camera position correct.
Onwards and upwards. I’m going to the library tonight to get a book on drawing so I can learn the fundementals of art, colour theory,etc.
Carrier for the starcrafts that follow.
Missile Attack Fighter
Scout Starship
I am sure that these should be the final designs. I may go through and details them for but I am not sure if I want to go to the degree that some people go with their models.
You should test them with a black background. I’m worried these may be too dark.
I’ve tried a little bit of 3D modelling, but I’m not very good at it.
These are probably the best of the bunch, but that doesn’t mean much.
Good stop, just keep at it and they will improve as you learn more.
right now these are using Cycles to Render and I have no light source yet. So I will do that soon.
I could have had these done yesterday but my son decided to flood my wife’s bathroom and water went into our office room below. so yesterday was a rough day.
So what have I been up too - I’ve been doign a mixture of reading some art books on how to draw but I need to stop the reading and get to the actual thing of drawing. On the 3D package start, I’m doing various tutorials and learning new things as the days go by. I tend to do at least 1-2 hours per night of using the blender software and I’m enjoying what I’m learning.
Some work in progress
I’ll have some more examples when I get home but this is all good learning techniques.
If the fitness thread has the wolverines, we need a suitable name too for the arty crowd.
I need to practise the drawing/sketching as I have some many ideas of what I want to do that I’m almost blanking on where to start.
The projects I have in mind are
Dark Planet - A short animation
Adventures of Logan Starblazer and friends - Cartoon shorts that my son can watch (I might start a thread for this).
Capoeria Dreams - Another animation short
Trailers for the above