Defying Gravity Re-watch

Ep. 10 - Deja Vu

Paula soldiers on. Stiff upper lip.

(You know she’s on the verge of losing it.)

Ok, Paula lost it.
But Wass saves it.

Goss & Eve just know the soemone on the floor will talk to the press.

Ep. 10 Deja Vu

Paula is now calling Beta evil.

Maj Tom’s pub: the drinks go round and Rollie is knocking them back.

Donner narrating:

"We ask for the unknown and that’s exactly what we got.
It’s the ultimate test being thrust into the void armed only with our instincts,
guided by a tenuous set of truths. There’s no turning back.
All we can do is keep moving forward, gain strength from each other,
learn from our mistakes. There are no promises, no guarantees.
You take it day by day, you hang on and hope for the best.

I just love Donner’s monologues.

Ep. 10 Deja Vu

Nadia sits down at ship controls.
Turns to Ted : “Let’s do this.”

We see Sharon on Mars as she watches the lander take off without her.

“The sky is red, Donner. It’s red”

Ep. 10 Deja Vu

Rollie driving and fooling with his phone, hits a bicyclist.


Ep. 11 Solitary

DVD description:
In the final hours before the landing on Venus, crewmembers of the Antares confront the loneliness and isolation of space.


Episode opens with Rollie being shown the inside of a jail cell.

Ep. 11 Solitary

Jen is sort of fed up with Rollie.
He’s of no comfort to her on this 6-yr mission.
And Jen is scared.

How can we say business as usual?

Because we’re astronauts.

Ep. 11 Solitary

Everyone is staring at Paula and her bandaged thumb.
Donner is getting the lander ready.


At Mission Control:

Eve to Ted:
How are they doing?

They’re rattled.
We trained hard, but not for this.

You did, you just didn’t know it at the time.

Ep. 11 Solitary

Ted like everyone else on the mission has grave doubts about the ability to complete the mission successfully.
The mission seems so big, and only Beta and his friends knows the real purpose.

Trevor the reporter is continuing to fish around for a story.

Ep. 11 Solitary

Meanwhile, back in Rollie’s jail cell, Goss comes to bail him out.
They’re going to be able to make the charges go away.

Rollie keeps asking Goss if the girl he hit is okay.
Goss tells him she’s in a coma.

Timeline switch to ASCAN training.

The sensory deprivation tank

Ep. 11 Solitary

Wass is an idiot.
A lovable idiot.

Jen panics after only a few seconds in the tank.

Rollie tries to help Jen through the exercise.