Cool craaaaaap you've acquired/done lately

I went to my very first con yesterday

So tell us more.

very cool–no particularly BSG activities, but great seats for Dr Horrible panel plus several extended clips from Clone Wars (which looks awesome) and three hours of Kevin Smith. got to meet fellow GWCers Jim, Brendan, kpnkrunch9, sitakatherine & her daughter. saw Kaylee, Richard Hatch and Voyager’s Doc.

Despite his hair, I like Poofy more and more.

Um, I got a library card. :slight_smile:
[ducks out]

LOL. Thanks Glimfeather, this thread was becoming way to political. Here is something that I acquired that I can share with you all! Trailers for the new Terminator movie!!!

If you were at the San Diego comic-con you may have already seen these.



GR - pay attention. Library card, dude, library card…

I have no idea where my library card is. But its OK, all the librarians already know me, so I don’t need my card :slight_smile: Its an amazing talent.

Should I be aware of any library card-gutter relations?

No - read more books! Quit upping your post count! :smiley:

What? I’m a bookworm! Have you seen my book shelves?

please, GR, don’t sully the library!

Nope, I’ve never been to Jersey… :eek:

Y’all have a totally wrong impression of me. I guess that’s my fault…:eek:

Very funny :smiley:

too long; didn’t read

Then how did you notice the quote?

I picked on Pike.

I also walked my dogs for 40 minutes. The last ten at a very fast pace (well for me) to keep ahead of a rain storm. I made it in the house just in time.

Exactly. Just without the implied New Jersey.

Why have book shelves with nothing on them? :rolleyes:

I have a lot on my book shelves.

The answer to your question is hereand the posts after that.