Cool craaaaaap you've acquired/done lately

Whenever you speak to any of my teams! :mad:

So me and one of the girls in my shop were looking for another show to start watching from the begining to the end, and we got a hold of all four seasons of Felicity. we watch the first episode and guess what I found??? J. J. Abrams created the show, so I was shocked because everything else I’ve seen of his lately I’ve loved so now I’m really looking forward to this show.

Yep, I think that can be arranged. Also, I made the image a poster/print in the GWC store. There’s also gonna be more Mutant B Team gear to follow.

Ran into a funny sign at the local AM/PM today:

Truth in advertising? Or poorly thought-out slogan? Hmm…

J. J. Abrams created the show, so I was shocked because everything else I’ve seen of his lately I’ve loved so now I’m really looking forward to this show.

Just be aware that even though it’s JJ Abrams, it’s very unlike any of his subsequent shows/movies (Alias, Lost, Fringe). The first season was fun, but then it got way too soap opera-y. And the constant back and forth between Ben or Noel made me want to smack Keri Russell alot. Still, Greg Grunberg is brilliant and the NYC scenery is lovely. :slight_smile:

Checked some more items off my Christmas to-do list today. And got the fifth Sookie Stackhouse book for myself. Excellent… [/Mr. Burns]

Found a dog and then found the home the dog came from. YAY she is home again.

Attended a Duwali festival with the GF tonight, and am sitting at home now with a frak-pile of Indian food charging through my colon. Mmm, it was delicious!

Ha ha, sometimes that stuff is just as spicy going out as it is going in.

Don’t forget the critical last step of install SETI@Home and joining the Galactic Watercooler team! :smiley:

Is there a section with the most popular designs offered as wallpaper?

TOP GEAR comes back to the BBC RIGHT NOW!


Luckyyy. Wonder when we’ll get those on BBC America. I think they can be downloaded off iTunes now; I’ll have to check that out. The promos with the young Jeremy, Hamster, Captain Slow and the Stig were brilliant!

After a visit to the antique store, Marketplace Mall, and HH Gregg this lovely sunny afternoon, I think my Christmas shopping is pretty much done. So relieved that I won’t have to go near Hanes Mall for the next two months.

That was great, Supercars in Romania and Eric Bana.
Mmmmmmm, BBC is good to me!

After a visit to the antique store, Marketplace Mall, and HH Gregg this lovely sunny afternoon, I think my Christmas shopping is pretty much done. So relieved that I won’t have to go near Hanes Mall for the next two months.

I hate malls at this time of year, I did all my christmas shopping on Amazon this year, except for Fiance Yey’s special present which is getting custom made from the local tannery.

Is that the true Blood Series? I was thinking about getting it for my wife for christmas, but didn’t know if the books were better than the TV series, I know she likes the TV Show. what do you think and should I get them for her?

I wanna do this really bad! Since I have only a lowly netbook, and it’s not connected to the Internet 24/7, will running the SETI@Home program still work okay on it?

The calculations run so long as it has access to the processor/memory/gpu. You really only need internet connection for uploading completed projects and downloading new ones. Someone please correct me if Im off as Im no expert.

Yes, it’ll work fine. It’ll queue up a few work units and chug happily away while you’re offline.

The bossman’s sick of us code-monkeys whining about how long the build, test, commit cycle takes (at 10 minutes, it’s obscene). Part of his proposed solutions is to move use from oldish laptops to brand new desktops with some real horsepower. And guess who gets to try out the duel-boot Win XP 64/linux on a Xeon processor w/ 6 gig of RAM :smiley:

My friend’s cat showed up at the front door. My friend heard a noise and her other cat was sitting at the window looking out. She opened the door and in popped her missing cat. The cat looked a bit messy with leaves, but healthy. I am so thankful he was guided home.

That’s wonderful :slight_smile: