Boyfriend Yay and I went to see his parents again today.
It was horrible again, snide passive/agressive stuff, when I offered to do the washing-up after dinner they asked me if I liked playing house and doing womens work.
For the record, I believe that if someone cooks for you, then you do the washing-up, fair play and all that.
They asked us if we’d done “it” yet, which is an uncomfortable question for ayone I’d have thought, and wondered out loud if I felt “real”.
They asked Boyfriend Yay if my stbble is uncomfortable when kissing me.
They kept going and going and going…
So why is this in cool crap instead of Bitch And Moan?
Boyfriend Yay ripped the SH*T out of them, he ranted and screamed at them, stood up for me in front of his parents, told them that if they didn’t want his fiance around then they didn’t want him around, and then kissed me in front of them, and we ran out the door.
Very romantic.
It wasn’t until we were half-way back here that it dawned on me that he called me his fiance.
It’s a very shiny ring.
In the Firefly sense of the word, as well as the shinything sense of the word.