Cool craaaaaap you've acquired/done lately

Junior year is now the year the schools pile everything on.
I know, failure isnt a problem for me, I already have a few solid friends who wont give a frak:)

Freshman year sucks cause you’re a freshman
Sophomore year is pretty cool, cause you know what’s the deal and you’re not a freshman
Junior year blows cause it’s like “Yeah see this dumptruck, it’s not full of cash it’s full of work BOOM right on your head”
Senior year rocks cause well it’s senior year, duh

That was so NOT my experience in high school. I don’t know. Maybe it’s that I transferred to an arts boarding school junior year, so I got to have a completely new experience (and it was like going away to college two years early).

Nope. That would be, you know, helpful. I spent the day up on campus putting up posters so that people will learn about it. It is a graduate level course, though, and those students won’t register till next week, so hopefully they’ll learn about it.

But my school gives us very little support. Particularly us lowly adjuncts. (I can’t tell you how sick I am of academia!)

See, that’d be a course on the LaMonte Young/Fluxus school of minimalism. Or Yoko Ono maybe. Then again, it’d probably get me noticed, maybe a profile on NPR, and it would be quite clever.

That’s more like it!

karmic post… um… well even though someone checked out 2 random discs of the season of Voyager I’m watching, the rest of them are there, and I got some more to watch.

Actually, that was annoying. Better news - the random construction that no one told anyone about on the street a) next to our apartment and b) in front of our bus stop appears to be done! I say appears because all they did (from what I saw, having to walk past the mess they made) was spend the week digging a hole in the middle of the street and then filling it in, and unusually, there was no advance warning about it. Or a peep as to what was going on. The bus drivers didn’t even get advance notice. But none of it matters anymore, because I have my bus stop back :slight_smile:

Our new swivel chair arrived yesterday. I moved it in front of the main viewscreen for the purposes of this photo.:o

That. Is. KITTEH!!

I got two bottles of Monchshof’s Kellerbier from GalaxyRanger

Mmmmmm…it’s German bier!! doing best German accent it’s not very good, the accent that is

Dang I should keep up with this thread. Congratulations on all counts. I am glad for you both.

Did anyone get your coolness?

fantastic, shiny, well you get the idea.

Junior year for some can be scary since it is the year the universities look at.

Hey, I keep up with this thread and I missed this! :eek:


Well it really is not your fault. She went from I have a date to boyfriend YAY, to second date YAY, to in - laws and boyfriend oh no, to go man tell those parents… Oh I got some bling and will be getting married.

Wow Monkey you are keeping this thread going. :cool:

Thanky kindly! :smiley:

If I can convince him to take my name, then I reckon I can keep it all going!

Wow i missed that too Monkey. Very Very Big Congrats to you.

Don’t you guys read the posts when you read them?

I get students next week. Is that good news or bad? :rolleyes:

It’s good news! you can tell them things that are almost true, and make them confused.

Like showing kids in Science classes “Look Around You”


Hay when did you move to Mars?