Cool craaaaaap you've acquired/done lately

I found that drugs; cold relief and alcohol, or official sleep drugs ;). never seem to work for me, So my trick on going on long flights is. I try to be sleep deprived before I travel. I bring either ear plugs or noise cancellation earphones. and a long audio book to listen to. and when I land no matter how long i’ve been awake i never fall asleep before 11:00 pm local and am up about 7:00 am thus avoiding most jet lag the next day.

I played hockey last night in an ongoing effort to take a more active interest in the sport that I have always loved from the deepest recesses of my little geek heart.

A couple of weeks ago I went christmas shopping(toooootally didnt get ANYTHING christmas presant wise.) And happened across every season of transformers G1 for six bucks a shot. Unfortunanly being broke beyond all measure. I only got season one and two part one.

Interesting…good. And I gotta say…Dinobots, are awesomesauce. These are deffinatly something I wanna keep and show at some point to my (potential.) future kids.

Thats Fraking Cool, I still have a copy of the first 100 eps of Transformers on CD MPEG2. old school rips. I check them out from time to time.

Okay, I’m not sure just hearing about it qualifies as something you have “done lately”, but the complement probably counts as something acquired…
Perhaps a reunion is in order?
You know… just to be sure you’re following the forum rules exactly. :wink:

Oh, and beware of pizza delivery guys with German accents now.
Just sayin’…

Here’s a little Christmas tree ornament some of you may be insterested in. Only $9.98!

(From Entertainment Earth)

Edit: I can’t delete this post for some reason… So I’ll just redirect to where it was intended to go.

But it’s on BACKORDER!!!


Figured you’d slip this in during the pre-Thanksgiving rush here in the States, eh Cackleberry, so we’d overlook it ??? Hmmm?? Nice try !! :smiley:

My ensemble got its 501 © 3 non-profit status approved today. Woot!

Damn. Congrats!

Remember when I said that you were making me all warm and fuzzy inside earlier? GEEZE, LOUISE, Michaela!!! What are you trying to do to me here? I’m a married man!

I need a cold shower…

Thanks, man. Now that we have non-profit status the government money should be pouring in like gangbusters. I can quit my job at Peabody and buy that tricked out gangsta rap crib I’ve been eyeing for a few years now and get my teeth capped with diamonds, pimp my ride and get all manner of bling, all on Uncle Sam and the NEA.

Wait…what’s that? You mean we have to APPLY for funding now? DAMNIT!!!

I helped with the 501 c 3 paperwork for a dog charity. Wow just filling the paperwork out should get you an award. Congratulations!

Now you just have to get defined as a bank.

Everybody’s doing it!

What, you afraid your parents are going to find out?

Oh no. That’s the next step in my master plan. I’m getting some of that sweet, sweet bailout money. You betcha!

(Oh, and hey–when are you and I gonna get together again? Hopefully at a time when we can have some alcohol?)

I helped with the 501 c 3 paperwork for a dog charity. Wow just filling the paperwork out should get you an award. Congratulations!

Well, actually, our Development Director did the filling out. I only helped in shape the language and go over the bylaws, etc. But, I’m certainly glad this part is over. We worked on that paperwork for 18 months and had it proof-read three times, I think. It’s brutal, but I’m glad we got approved. I was worried we’d get turned down and be forced to reapply and pay the $700 filing fee again. Ugh!

Now, where’s my money?

Oh, I think THAT can be arranged…

Yeah, I was trying to think of whether I could classify this as something “done lately”, and decided that the compliment was recent so it stood. Reunion is possible, I’ll keep you updated :wink:

My default position is to be extremely naughty so thought I would get you used to my style while you were all busy!

Then it’s a good thing that you don’t live anywhere near me Armando! How did that shower work out for you?

I know!!! There’s no way it would get here by Christmas, is there… :frowning:


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