Confession Time

Keep posting as you watch! This is fun to read. I’m jealous that you’re getting to watch BSG from the beginning. You will love it…

Don’t mind me, I’m just changing my wallpaper…

I just heated up some frozen waffles while angrily staring at my toaster for not being a hot korean robot.

You call yours a frozen waffle? That’s a new one.

I prolly should not comment, as my wife is Korean (though not a robot).

How do you know? I mean, even Boomer didn’t know. And they are programmed to THINK they’re human…

oh i envy you, the joy of discovering BSG… i wish i can live through that every day.

by the way, why is this in the off topic section?

:eek: ::looks slowly at wife…::

Well, I didn’t really plan on recording my thoughts on the episodes as I went, I was just saying how I hadn’t seen any BSG and people expressed an interest in reading about it.

In short. No idea why.

Bastille Day:

Let me just say thank gods for Netflix now streaming to my iPhone. :slight_smile: Allows me to watch eps when I have some free time and am not at home (plus the screen, though being the smallest one I own, is the highest definition)

I notice off the bat that Apollo is more of a hippie in the series than he was in the mini series. Seemed in the mini he was being set up to be a hard nosed, tough guy, military jerk type of dude. Perhaps it was the whole little thing of the human race being almost obliterated and him spending all that time with the President (who herself is a bit granola, but not so much she can’t be an effective leader) rescuing all those refugees softened him a bit.

I have a bad feeling that Zarek will be back…to do evil!

Act of Contrition

Wow, powerful episode to be sure.

The beginning was a bit confusing to be at first about where in the timeline I was at any given point, but maybe that was the idea. Like in Starbuck’s head, all those things were happening at once, while she was reliving her “sins of the past”.

I like seeing Starbuck emotional, not that it makes her seem any less badass, just makes her more human. And humans are in short supply, there are enough robots.

Anyone else get misty eyed a bit in Commander Adama’s cabin when he and Starbuck were talking near the end about what she did for Zak? I did. I could feel that she was super conflicted about what she’d done and why she did it. You really feel sorry for her, because she was his Flight Instructor, but also they were lovers.

I can’t help but be suspicious that Caprica-Boomer is leading Helo to supplies and shelter to keep him alive without raising suspicion about herself. Oh those clever toasters.

Going to watch You Can’t Go Home Again, because i feel like if I don’t watch Right Now, Starbuck might not make it out of that freefall alive :frowning:

Quick note: I’m about 5 min into You Can’t Go Home Again and I had to stop to say something: Man, they LOVE countdown readouts on the Galactica!

Another heartstrings puller, this one.

So they kidnapped Caprica-Boomer (or more likely just took her back)…what is your game, robots?!?

I love how the Adama boys are mad at Starbuck, but when they might lose her, they forget about all that and concentrate everything they have on bringing her home.

And…oh man…“If it was you down there, we’d never leave.” ::wipes eyes::

hehe. noticing the frequency of the posts… you’re totally trapped.

I also would like to wipe my memories and go back through to watch, where did you say to find your Brain Wiper? :smiley:

I notice off the bat that Apollo is more of a hippie in the series than he was in the mini series. Seemed in the mini he was being set up to be a hard nosed, tough guy, military jerk type of dude. Perhaps it was the whole little thing of the human race being almost obliterated and him spending all that time with the President (who herself is a bit granola, but not so much she can’t be an effective leader) rescuing all those refugees softened him a bit.

Well…let’s just say that these characters are very HUMAN. They go through gradations of all of this. I will be curious to read your impressions of Lee’s and Roslyn’s politics when you get to season 3.

Anyone else get misty eyed a bit in Commander Adama’s cabin when he and Starbuck were talking near the end about what she did for Zak? I did. I could feel that she was super conflicted about what she’d done and why she did it. You really feel sorry for her, because she was his Flight Instructor, but also they were lovers.

Yes. That’s such a great scene. Eddie Olmos really hits it out of the park too. You almost believe that he was about to hit Katee in the face if she didn’t leave the room when she did.

I can’t help but be suspicious that Caprica-Boomer is leading Helo to supplies and shelter to keep him alive without raising suspicion about herself. Oh those clever toasters.

Going to watch You Can’t Go Home Again, because i feel like if I don’t watch Right Now, Starbuck might not make it out of that freefall alive

These two episodes were precisely where I found myself hooked on this show. By the time “You Can’t Go Home Again” was about halfway through and I was really riveted and hoping Kara would make it, I knew I was hooked and that this wasn’t, after all, a cheesy Star Wars rip off like its original source.

Sounds like you’re hooked too. Enjoy the ride! (And keep the reports coming. I’m sure I’m not the only one enjoying the vicarious thrill of seeing someone enjoy BSG for the first time.)

hehe. noticing the frequency of the posts… you’re totally trapped.

I also would like to wipe my memories and go back through to watch, where did you say to find your Brain Wiper?


(Man, Galaxy Rising, if you find that brain wiper, let me know. And let me know if s/he is able to wipe only specific memories like BSG and Star Wars. I’d love the experience of seeing those for the first time again.)

Totally! Thanks gods I was introduced to BSG (a few years too late, but what the heck, now I don’t have to deal with commercials or waiting a week or more between episodes)

Sure was a great scene. I gotta admit, I was actually surprised at first by his reaction. I thought he’d see how tormented she was about it and forgive her, since he said that he loved her like a daughter.
Thing is, she just isn’t his daughter. And that can’t overcome him losing flesh and blood.

I am in the same spaceboat as you. I have yet to watch BSG. Not sure how I missed it but I did. So you are not alone. I need to rectify this situation fast. So I can go listen to all the back log of BSG casts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Highly Recommended course of action

Just watched Litmus, it’s getting exciting now, baby!

So Sgt Hadrain (the Master-At-Arms) pretty much has her mind made up that everyone is guilty of conspiring with Cylons. I think it’s because she’s more hurt than most others about being kept in the dark about the whole Human looking Cylon thing because she’s security and she thinks she had a right to know.
Also, kind of a bitch.

And on the rooftop, it looked like to me that Number Six was enjoying beating the carp out of Caprica-Boomer.

I love how even though Commander Adama really has no authority over the investigation, as soon as he sees that it is becoming a hindrance to duty and a “witch hunt”, he lays down the law and shuts the whole thing down.

Also I must ponder about Gaius, is Number Six a) part of a chip planted in his head long ago b) an hallucination brought on by extreme guilt and/or fear of getting found out or c) Number Six’s mind did not transfer to another Cylon but wedged her way into Gaius’ mind.

I’m so excited for you! There’s nothing quite like watching BSG for the first time, you brain will be so wrinkled and it would be an awesome feeling… and even better when you have all the episodes ready at the tip of your fingers. You are going to have one heck of an amazing ride. (Hm, or am I hyping it too much? OK, well, BSG sucks. You’re not going to love it. At most, you will just tolerate it. There, is that better?)

Reading about your watch, wow, season one is having a terrific run of great episodes! I love all the episodes you’re talking about, and it makes me want to watch the show all over again. Hm. Maybe I will, even without the brain wiper. :smiley:

Beware though - I was a latecomer to the series too (right before season 3 started airing), and the first time I watched BSG, I barely had any sleep and watched everything from the miniseries to the end of season 2 in maybe a few days time, a week tops. It was always ‘…just one more episode…ok, this one is definitely the last one… I mean it this time!’. TV crack.

Ooh I don’t think I ever thought that while watching it, but Six is pretty maniacal, so it certainly fits.

Every BSG watcher’s rite of passage. Welcome! :smiley:

Ah, I remember those questions! Takes me back. Takes. Me. Back.

What’s funny about this episode to me is how I felt just like you the first time I saw it, but then every subsequent time I watch it I find myself agreeing more and more with Sgt. Hadrian. (It helps that I know where the story goes. Hindsight, as they say…)

I’m using that. Thank you.

BTW, I love reading this. Keep 'em coming.