Confession Time

meh BSG was okay you know not great… :wink: welcome to forum, and hey dont tell anyone but i must have seen about ten episodes of next gen and i cant really force myself to watch anymore it the hair its scary.

the hair is going away now, its still there.


Picard doesn’t even have any hair…that helps, no?

haha great thread! I was lucky enough to watch all of BSG on DVD after all of the seasons and extras were out. It’s definitely a great experience to get to watch everything straight through with no interruptions or waiting… although you might find yourself not doing other things you’re supposed to do while you sit and watch 6 or 8 episodes in one day not that I did that… so enjoy it!

You know what’s funny about your confession, ShutUpWesley? It’s a testament to how much this community and podcast have grown. It started out as being JUST about BSG and has turned into an all-inclusive, not-always-sci-fi oasis in the interwebs. I think that’s really something.

It’s okay. Just occasionally drop references to lucky finds by a Racetrack, good hair, and wooden ships and people will think your a BSG pro…

Hair…so much…HAIR :eek:

I’m just not sure that’s going to work.
In unrelated news (::newwwwwzzz:: ), I was walking by the wooden racetrack and i found an old hairy sailboat … Err… Whatever.
#themoreyouknow #oldpro #notfoolinganybody

Agreed. In fact it was several casts before i figured out that GWC used to be a BSG Cast. :smiley:

That’s the plan :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay Update Time,

Just finished watching the mini-series. One thought. Why must humans have to sleep? I want to stay awake and watch every other episode RIGHT NOW!

That is to say…it. was. frakin. awesome.

I loved all 3 hours of it, never a boring nanosecond. Awesome twists, awesome characters, awesomely crazy scientist guy.

Space battles…epic. Loved the effects, very vivid and science fictiony but the whole feel of the Galactica is so gritty (for lack of a more original word) which is exactly what I dig.

I felt kind of emotionally drained at the end of it, seems like it’s going to be that way the whole ride through from what I understand. But thats okay with me, I actually gave a frak about what happens to the characters very soon after I met them. So great writing and great acting.

The plot twists were outstanding and actually suprising, again brilliant scripting.

So in short I think after one short evening I am hooked.

Just too bad I have to wake up early and be alert enough to operate semi dangerous machinery, otherwise I’d love to stay up all night and watch more. But alas…responisbilities ::le sigh::

Just wanted to get my first impressions down while they were fresh and update all who give a flying buttress.

You have taken your first step into a larger world.

If you thought that was intense, just wait till you watch “33,” the first episode of the regular series (and one of the best episodes in the entire show’s history).

Oh to go back in time or somehow erase my memories to experience it all from the beginning again…:smiley:

Wow, a thought occurs.
What if I am such an obsessive BSG super fan that i had all memory of BSG surgically removed from my brain so i could go back and watch them all again now.

I’m a late comer to this thread, but let me say Welcome to you ShutUpWesley.

And, by the way, “ShutUpWesley” <---- best GWC username ever. I love it.

Also, re: your comment above. l like the way you think. Now, please direct me to your brain wipe specialist so I can rewatch BSG fresh again too. :smiley:

Yeah, 33 is like a sweet, sweet punch to the gut.

His name is Topher Brink. He’s got quirky bedside manner.

Thank you, sir, and I have to say I was very suprised that it wasn’t already taken!

Further update: Just finished “33”. Amazing yet again. It was like a punch to the gut.

First thing, I physically felt tired experiencing this episode. It was like I was right there with them, struggling to keep it together on days and days of not sleeping.

I feel torn on Gaius. One minute I start to feel sorry for him, then as soon as his own interests become threatened he snaps around and becomes a weasel again willing to put anyone between him and harm. But damn awesome character, you just hate him so much but have to admire his cunning.

Gaius seems to mirror the Cylons so far in some ways. Seems they are both able to use others without so much as a thought to their own gain, though Dr Baltar does it out of fear and the Cylons out of some sort of apparent malice.

My thoughts so far in this crazy BSG universe, it seems I really feel empathy for these people and their struggle to survive and I must say I have never reacted that way to a TV show or movie (or even a syfy original picture :smiley: )
It is very strange. Anyone else?

Well, off to watch “Water” (don’t worry I won’t write an essay after every episode I watch)

Get used to that.

No. Please do. I’m loving this.

What 'Talos said.

No. Please do. I’m loving this.

What 'Talos said.

Thanks guys :cool:

Just finished “Water” and frak, i’m thirsty.

Well i’m really starting to like Starbuck, she’s a… sassy young lady.

Also loving the parallel Boomer storylines. You have to feel for her (the Galactica version), she seems so confused and scared about what she’s doing and doesn’t know why she’s doing it. But, hell, you can’t really be mad at her, can you? She’s so damn cute!
