Just finished watching the pilot. And I’ve been up all day and now it’s 4:00 in the morning. OK. While I found parts of this ep interesting, overall I am not all that happy with it. I have to refer to Solai’s post prior, he hit on quite a few points that I completely agree with. I think my biggest gripe is that this show should have been a two hour premier. I would have liked to be a little more (hell, a LOT more) invested in these people so I could care a bit about what was going on. Give it an hour to feel these characters out, then blow them all to hell !! Jaime’s obnoxious sister ?? Why ?? Hopefully she’ll be useful in hacking into some Govt. computer system in the future, otherwise, …
Katee S. seemed a bit stiff, and that’s hard to say, because I absolutely love the woman as an actor in BSG, and would crawl over broken glass etc etc etc. It was nice to see the entire BSG cast in various roles, check out EJO as a window washer on the 77th floor of the high rise to the left of the ambulance in scene 52. OK, just kidding on that one. I’ll watch again, hopefully something will click. Maybe Jaime could get a puppy. ?