Bionic Woman

Anyone see the Pilot yet? I watched it this morning, it was almost like a BSG reunion show at some points :slight_smile: Overall I didn’t think it was to bad, it’s still to early to be to harsh and I can see were this could end up being a fun show.

Yeah, I’m definitely going to stick with it. I watched the first episode last week and I thought it was pretty good. I don’t want to spoil anyone, but the climax scene was really cool.

I plan to watch the pilot. It looks pretty cool!

Yet More Grumblesmurfing

Well, this is what happens when local channels disappear as part of austerity budgeting. I wish I could have seen it. Has it shown up on Amazon UnBox at all?

I believe the first episodes of the new NBC shows are all at Amazon for free, or at least they were a few days ago.

Yikes. I got some things crossed. That infamous matter of BT is just an impossibility where I am due to quite lousy connectivity which, I suppose, is better than having no connectivity at all. I did not realize that was what was referred to above in terms of how such was obtained.

Fortunately the “official” (whatever that means anymore in this day and age) premiere has not come up yet and I know who can record such legally for me.

Not at the moment, from what I can see. NBC’s pilots are free for a limited time (I got FG that way.) FOX OTOH has all its season pilots available. Maybe that’s what you were thinking of.

The pilots of Bionic Woman, Journeyman & Chuck are available for free, commercial free downloads on Unbox. They’ve been up for about two weeks, and will probably stay up at least until the official premieres.

I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of suckage in Bionic Woman. I’m not going to say it’s the greatest show ever made at this point, but it’s certainly better than what’s been on lately.

Yeah, they’re still up:

Just started my Torrent for the first episode thanks for looking out … I totally forgot when this series was starting.

Bionic Woman is Tivo’d and I will be watching.

It’s great, one of my favorite shows and all I’ve seen is the Pilot. Though I must say, it is a BSG reunion show with Aaron Douglas having a cameo appearance and Mark Sheppard in a (SPOILER) role.

anyone who doesn’t know the bsg cast is gonna be in this should get thrown out an airlock.

The pilot episode was great. I’m a fan of the original Bionic Woman and Six Million Dollar Man.

I have high hopes for this show but I can see it going the way of Dark Angel, FireFly, Angel and the list goes on and on. So far this year NBC is making some big mistakes. Example pulling out of iTunes.

David hopefully has some great ideas for the show. I’ll be there to the end.

This should be good. I have been looking forward to this show all day. I am sad to say that I didn’t realize how many actors form BSg were in it! Everyone knew about Katee Sackhoff, but seeing anyone else will be a pleasant surprise.

Ok, that first scene where Katee’s character meets that man in the room and then tosses him against the wall was SO 6, even the way she was speaking, it almost seemed like a BSG tribute scene.

Am i crazy here?

Love the show so far!

I totally see it now that you mentioned it. Just wait for it, next episode she’ll be wearing the red dress, it may hinder the fighting, but she’ll find a way around it.

We’re digging it here in South Dakota. Did you notice the bad Asian dude from Elektra is in this show? :slight_smile:

Holy craaaap - there’s the Chief!!!

And Badger/the lawyer!

Is EVERYONE from BSG in this show?