Batman: The Animated Series Rewatch

To be continued?

I can’t remember her name. I think she’s basically Selina Kyle’s version of Alfred the butler.

The music is reminding me of playing LEGO Batman.

Next week, same Bat-time, same Bat-forum! :smiley:

“Things are quiet for once.”

blip blip

Why do “they” always say that?


Harley Quinn


Hey! It’s Richard Moll! :slight_smile:

Is this the same series? The animation looks better.

Harvey Dent!!

“I only toss butlers.”

TMI. Bruce. TMI.

The animation is reminding me of Voltron and Battle of the Planets.

This is a different YouTube user, so that might be it.

OTOH, the last episode was the pilot, so things may have improved somewhat.


Make sense. You did say it got better…especially Catwoman.

O. M. F. Gs. You made me choke. :smiley:

There’s one…set for stun…clunk

Well, not “especially Catwoman”. It’s not like I was looking at her in particular. :slight_smile:

But the animation dramatically improved through the series, definitely.

So where does Batman get his incredible strenght from? He just carried a 200lbs S.W.A.T. guy in full gear like he was a bag of potato chips.

IIRC, they animated it differently in order to get the dark appearance.

Unlike most cartoons, where they draw into a white or clear background material, but this was drawn on a black background.


The doctor is lying wink wink

I’ve heard it’s called “working out”. Smacks of effort, if you ask me. :slight_smile: