Batman: The Animated Series Rewatch

Wednesday, 11 November, 2009
8 PM Eastern - 5 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“I suggest you save your flattery for the judge.”

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the classic catwoman stories! I think this version of catwoman really made people (probably PETA people) identify with her. I mean she’s doing bad to do good…

The 90’s Batman cartoon series was da bomb~!

I’d also recommend Batman Beyond

i loved that show… that new bat suit is just so cool…

Hi, you all.

That’s up next. :slight_smile:

Let’s start at :15, in case there are any stragglers.

I thought that was the rule. :rolleyes:

Badger, when are we watching the 1966 film? I just put it in my Netflix queue. That’s right, I just joined Netflix…finally. Anyway, it’s in my queue, I’m not sure when it will get here.

So did I, until the surprise Dr. Horrible frak today. :stuck_out_tongue:

Crap I missed that.

Surprise frak parties don’t count for rules or etiquette. That’s why they’re a surprise.

Not this week. I think we’re pretty full up on Batman content for this week. I’m still trying to hack out a schedule that makes any sense, but how about sometime next week?

Oh, and welcome to Netflix. You’ll love it. :slight_smile:

BTW, you can reorder items in your queue if you want to get something sooner. (At least, that’s the way it’ll work in theory.)

Yes, but it was my surprise frak party. Everyone started without me. :stuck_out_tongue:

A bit of kitty catnip. :slight_smile:

Aw crap, embedding is disabled. Wish I’d checked that beforehand.

Cool! Gives me time to get it.

I’ve used Netflix before. I’m back…I guess. Back when I used it there was no instant watch.

I clicked on it and it sent me to you tube.

OK. Catwoman is hot. Just saying.

not gonna let us forget it, are ya Mr B? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hiiiiiyyyyaaaaa!!! slo-mo kick in realtime…not as effective.