Batman: The Animated Series Rewatch

Bat saves cat. Way to make a friend.

“I’ve been pinching my pennies for you.”


It’s really a great addition. Definitely a great value for the subscription.

Yeah, but I could have saved some screen real estate on that first post. :smiley:

Aw, Batman even risks his life to save kitties. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bruce Wayne blushes!?!

Batman is a good guy. He even makes dates to save pets.

“I’ll see what I can do from my end.”


This is early. Just wait until they really get a handle on the animation.

Forget? Forget what? When y’all ignored my absence and started without me? Nah, didn’t even give it a second thot. :stuck_out_tongue:

When my sister was little, she called them nickles. :smiley:

I take it we will go straight through the show with out breaks?

Yeah, that’s probably easiest.

Phone with a cord, so classic. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought the cat was going to be nice to Bruce and make Catwoman wonder.

“I wish it were Batman standing behind this door.”

A-ha! Little does she know… :rolleyes:



[LEFT]ouch. very sorry. please accept humble apologies. don’t mind me, I’ll just be in the

Cone of Shame

The chick in red is scary.

IIRC, they took a cue from the Michael Keaton Batman movie and made everything all film noir, with more classic-looking designs, from the clothing to cars and even the set dressings.


bwhahahahahaha! :smiley:

OK, forgiven. That was worth it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Always – “In the ventilation systems”

I love the little kitty shurikens.

We need to get some of those for Barb. :smiley:

Who is this attache with Catwoman?