First a thought regarding the great debate… Apple versus Android.
Apple’s iOS is closed and consistent. Pretty much all iPhones are the same (well, granted there are 4 different versions, and all in a couple different sizes), but for the most part, they’re all the same and they’re all controlled purely by Apple as far as updates. So if you want something consistent and controlled the Apple iOS is the way to go.
Google’s Android is about open and options. Tons of options in hardware, service providers, various features, and less “moderated”. So if you want options and customization Android is the way to go.
My preference… I’m a nerd-geek… so it’s Android all the way.
And if you have Android and version 2.2, be absolutely certain to get “Voice Search” from the Market.
The default, previous version Voice Search allows you to do searches online, but the 2.2 market-provided one also allows for things like “Send text message to…” or “Map of…” or “Navigate to…” or “Call business by name”. Lots of awesome features like that, and the more I use it the more I’m amazed!
Plus even things like since Google search natively has some special handling for things, like if you type a math equation in the search bar on Google it will do the math and put that at the top of the search results page… so using Android Voice Search you can even do math by voice! Like to calculate a tip hit the button and say “20 dollars times 1.15”.
I love my Android!