And so it begins......

I thought they captured Sharon to test if Helo really loves her. I think the Cylons were led to believe that they were incapable of making off springs because they didn’t know how to love.

well tonight we watched the episode which opens with what was probaly fairly contorvestial at the time, there was one of the four modesl we know about a tthis stage coming omn to the ship and blowing himself up.

The subsequent witch hunt by the master at arms is fascinating to watch, when she summons adama to the tribunal room, he says the quesitons are nto relevant and she says to him “my questions are not subject to your purview”, I thought he was gonna explode.

It’s a nice trope, I had to look this up but it reminded me, from sci fi, of the ST:TNG episode “the Drumhead” in whihc there is a dilithium explosion and a young ensign is investigated and it turns out his 1/4 ancestry is not Vulcan, but Romulan.

The master at arms in this ep totally loses the run of herself, the final scene between Tyrell and Galactica Sharon is classic.

Bottom line? we don’t actually know what happened, that’s the beauty of it, all the paranoia all the tribunal all the fallout and we still don’t frakking well know kinda reveals the pointlessness of the whole process and absolute power corrupting et al.
on the “I’m kinda half watching geordie shore, at me housemate’s insistence” ID

You’re right this is very much like drumhead. The only dif was Adama went with the charade. In TNG Picard didn’t have a choice he had to obey. Up until you see him realize it was had turned into a witch hunt. With Adama we all kinda know that he let it play out. As had been shown if he wanted to all he had to say ENOUGH!

i think later on we do know what happened, and by “The Plan” we know even more.

but for now, since we all know for sure Sharon is a Cylon, I think we all know in the back of our minds, but I at least can’t come to that conclusion, because I just like the boomer character too much.

The problem is that while we do know that Sharon is a Cylon, we DON’T know who else might be one! I mean, we know for sure of four of the Cylon models. Do the math, that leaves eight other models out there that could be Cylons. So while we might suspect it to have been Sharon, how do we know for sure that it wasn’t the master at arms instead? The answer is, as Phaze pointed out, WE DON’T FRAKKING WELL KNOW

yep, that’s true. also, so far the Sharon model seems very different from the other models.

“Six Degrees of Separation” - Just got done watching this episode, and I have to say, the series continues to draw you in with each episode. I know that’s the goal of any series, but I’ve seen plenty that didn’t manage to do that.

Okay, so here we go with my highlights of the episode:

Church of the mystic cylon detector - Being that I don’t hold with any religious organizations/beliefs of my own, I can kind of relate to what Gaius meant here. Combine that with how much time he HAS been spending on the detector, and it’s no wonder he sees it as a kind of religion of sorts.

Ms. Godfried - (I’m guessing on that spelling, since I figure it’s not all that relevant in the long run) The expression on Gaius’s face when he realized that Head Six was not just in his head in this scene… it was classic. And the way that everyone else kept saying “she’s right there” like he was an idiot for not realizing that the blond next to him was the woman they were referring to. I loved this scene.

Whispering in the bathroom - it really denotes desperation when you’re willing to huddle into a bathroom stall in order to, in a whisper, try to coerce someone to help you. Getting nervous are we?

Mr. Nice Gaius - I just loved the play on words when he was yelling at Six in the bathroom, telling her there would be “no more Mr. Nice Gaius”

Boomer/Raider - Is is just me, or was it a little creepy the way Boomer was relating to the Cylon Raider in the hanger deck while she was talking to the Chief?

And finally, the final thought for the show…the cylon detector!! - On Caprica, when Sharon and Helo are having sex, and her spine is glowing bright red… well, we know from seeing Six and Gaius together that this happens during sex. I was busy commenting on how Sharon must be having a good time when Phaze says “Well there’s your Cylon detector!!” I have to say, hats off to Phaze for having the most memorable quote of the episode, and he wasn’t IN the ep!!

once again seeing things and thinking things I didn’t when I watched it first time through, it’s so nice to have someone to watch this show with - explore BSG as we learn about each other.

I will say props to the visual effects department, the inside of the Cylon raider looked wonderfully organic and to be honest, kinda gross.

Hard to know what to add to what Pernfann said, I really enoyed seeing Baltar squirm, one of my favourite scenes was his ever increasing panic over the picture of himeslf resolving on the monitor, he hits the hard drive with a hammer, randomly pulls out wires and the image is stil there, then, finally, when he picks up a chair to smash it, so focused upon the work is he that he doesn’t even notice Adama coming up behind him.

More Baltar panic, when Gaeda approaches him and he thinks he’s about to be executed or taken away, he starts screaming about not even having a trial!

Lovely, lovely episode and we’re still trying to watch an episode a night so we should be on to season two by the end of the week at this rate :stuck_out_tongue:
on the “now looking at new primeval as I ponder the idea of going to bed sober, eek” ID

“No More Mister Nice Gaius!” is one of the most quotable/memorable lines you get out of Baltar in the whole series. LOVE it. (in a few months you’ll be giggling over “butterfingers!” but I shall not spoil the context)

Boomer getting all close and lovey with that raider freaked me out the first time. These days it still makes me feel deeply uncomfortable. The way she related to it was as beloved service animal but also something more. Something disturbing. Like she subconsciously recognized and somehow loved the way it was a metaphor for her (her model’s) role within cylon society as a programmable/trainable sleeper agent. <shivers>

so, Flesh and Bone.

I’m going to focus on out development of starbuck, we definitely see a side to her in this episode which we’ve not seen so far. Do we dehumanise the cylons, they look act and as we say feel just like us, they sweat, bleed, hurt, should we not treat them as human?

It brings up interesting viewpoints on how we deal with the cylons, what we think of them, definitely a casually torturing starbuck is not what we were expecting. Very strong performance form Laura roslin and the wonderfully mind frakking Leo Oben.

There’s so much I cannot say, so much froeshadoing here I shall leave further comments to Pernfann, so much I’d end up giving spoilers so saying nowt.
on the “rather a poor comemtnery on an excellent episode but gahh, so hard not to say stuff” ID

I have to say, Baltar’s reaction when Boomer comes up as a Cylon according to his detector… Not so much at first, but when he’s lying to her, going on about how the results were a “bright bright green. Very green in fact” It was hilarious.

I don’t really have much to say about the ep in general, but I did enjoy it. I agree with Phaze about Starbuck as a casual torturer. It wasn’t what I would have expected from her, though it was masterfully done.

“Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down” Overall an interesting episode, though I think that the most common phrase uttered was me saying “I don’t like that woman” about Ellen Tigh. I’ve made my distaste for Six clear, but I’d take Six over Ellen any day of the week!! Now, for my notes lol…

Why does verification of the cylon testing take hours now? It didn’t take hours before, so perhaps this is just so Gaius can fudge the results when he chooses to?

“If I’m a Cylon, you’re really screwed.” - How very true, Adama!!

Billy asks Laura Roslin if she thinks they replaced Adama with a Cylon fake. But if Adama was a Cylon, regardless if he knew it, they wouldn’t need to replace him. Point in case, Boomer. SHE is a Cylon, doesn’t know it, and they can activate her whenever they like.

Gaius getting caught by Kara - He’s got Head Six in a compromising position in the lab, and Kara walks in. The expression on his face, the way he fumbles to cover what’s going on, it’s priceless. The actor who plays Gaius Baltar is GOOD.

I find it amusing/irritating that they feel the need to identify Helo for us every single episode. But Phaze pointed out that they could be doing that more as a method of helping us keep track of the timeline.

Ellen Tigh - GRRRRRRRR

And finally, my favorite line of the episode is when Tigh and Ellen have stumbled away from the dinner with Lee, Adama, and Roslin. Roslin asks Adama if he really thinks Ellen could be a Cylon. Lee’s response is perfect… “If that woman’s not a Cylon, we’re all in a lot of trouble” Lee, I hate to break it to you, but with Ellen Tigh on board, you’re in trouble any way you look at it.

ahh ellen Tigh, so much I cannot say.

But of what I can say, it was quite delightful to observe perfanns’ reactio to her, finally a female character she likes even less than six :D.

For me, ellen is the reason that Sol drinks, she’s a philanderer and someone who essentially exists to make Sol’s life miserable, so a typical wife in that sense then :stuck_out_tongue:

Things tha annoyed me, there was a very comedic moment between ellen, Sol, Adama, Lee and Roslin. why oh why did they have to add in that silly comedic music stuff? I mean seriously, why frakking bother, the scene had enough comedy with the principles, didnt’ need that.

ok, that’s me done for now.
on the “bones, sniper, one of the team fatally shot” ID

Soo, tonights episode was hand of god, for assorted reasons we’ve missed out on episodes the past two nights but this was definitely an episode for fans of outside shots and space fight sequences, some truly beautiful CGI shots of them flying over the asteroid.

I’d actually forgotten the whole back door thing with what was obviously a container ship, I mean, striaght lift form shipping containers n stuff.

Some intriguing quesitons form Pernfann upon seeing Caprica sharon “why is she sick” and “can cylons get pregnant”.

other points to note in what’s possibly one of the most standout episodes so far - Starbuck’s tension at not being able to be “out there” with them.

Also at the end of the episode it was really nice, I got a warm, fuzzy feeling. You don’t, i think, realise the unremitting tenstion they (and through them, us) are living in until they actually get a frakking win.

That’s the end of blu ray disc three and the last ep we’ll watch until Thursday I think.
on the “now somewhat concerned about non appearance of house mate, he’s usually home by now on a Sunday” ID

Grrrrr. I replied to this yesterday, but apparently there was a technological glitch and it didn’t post my reply! I can’t honestly remember what I said, other than that I mentioned that most women would have added Sharon’s sex with Helo plus Sharon’s getting sick to equal potential pregnancy. So yeah… next time I’m going to have to make sure that my reply posts!

Sorry Phaze.

Colonial Day

Definitely a good episode, I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Fatuous gasbag - I’m not sure which was more amusing to me, the fact that Roslin’s friend was called a fatuous gasbag, or that he referred to himself like that after hearing it!

Considering how the episode ended, in retrospect, Gaius saying that politics is the only thing more boring than blood samples is downright laughable.

Ellen Tigh - GRRRRRRRRR I don’t like her.

When Zareck told Roslin that she had played it nicely at their introduction (he asked her if she would refuse a hand extended in friendship and she told him there was only one way to find out) he was so right. Roslin is doing an amazing job at juggling everything that comes with being President. Interestingly enough, she does so without compromising herself…

Baltar falling asleep at the quorom… priceless

James Callis (Gaius Baltar) is a fantastic actor! The scenes where you know he is having a conversation with Head Six, but he’s the only one in the shot? It really shows that he’s got skills as an actor.

Phaze and I were both telling Sharon to shut up when Helo was figuring out that there were Cylons who look like humans, and she was trying to defend them. Seriously? Shut your mouth Sharon!

Ellen Tigh (gr) and Tom Zareck - they make quite the pair of self centered asswipes, willing to sacrifice whatever and whomever they have to.

Baltar’s speech about Zareck was great. I loved how he managed to totally slam the guy without uttering a single hateful word. Like when he referenced the fact that Zareck had spent the past 20 years in jail for his crimes.

I knew before Roslin put the proposition to Gaius that she was going to ask him to run for VP. It just made sense, and the idea of Baltar as a politician is too good to pass up on.

Ellen Tigh - have I mentioned how much I can’t stand this woman??

Helo - poor Helo, he’s had a thing for Boomer since the miniseries, and I can only imagine it broke his heart to discover that she is, in fact, the enemy.

On a final, and somewhat related note, Phaze asked me today if I had to pick who I liked less, Six or Cerci from Game of Thrones, which would it be. Shockingly enough, it wasn’t Six lol. At least SHE has the defense that she was programmed to be the way she is. Of course, Phaze immediately speculated as to whether she programmed herself or not.

Well, that’s it for Colonial Day, I’m out of here!! (But looking forward to seeing what Phaze has to say)


All i’ll say is if you think it’s good now just wait. It’s even better.

ahh Colonial Day,

I suppose it was Cruel to ask pernfann the Cersie/Six question but wed watched GoT just beforehand so…

A wonderful performance by Richard Hatch, wonder how he feels to be replaced as Apollo by a younger model (i.e. Jamie).

The introdution of Baltar as our esteemed Vice President, well I’m sure there’s nothing that could possibly go wrong with that one :groucho: :p.

So my suspiscions point at Ellen s the one who did the deed on our assassin with the glas, in the cell (Cluedo ref).

yeah I’d say tom got all cozy with the ever philandering Ellen.

Also I note head six dressed formally for the presidential party, nice to know she’s got a wadrobe stuffed in to Baltar’s cerebrum.

While co-ordinating different frame rtes, PernFann asked me who JAmes callis was, I belive my reply was “umm, Baltar?”

cannot believe we’ve almost finished series one, only Kobol’s last gleaming (part 1 and two) left to watch.

I’m glad I am due to comment first on part one, as I cannot wait o see Pernfann’s reaction to the season ender.
but like i said this thread is 't just for us, it’s for others to share thier (non spoilery) memories of BSG, weigh in by all means.

on the sigh, must drag lazy self ou of bed to attend work now, still, Boss out until Mnday week, yays" ID

I mislike double posting but it seems to be the way, le sigh

soo, Kobol’s last gleaming, part I.

Some very nice stuff here, a lot of which had actually slipped my mind, the reveal of whom Kara was frakking at the start (also some very nice cuts between Kara in her rack and the boxing match between Lee and Adama).

Then BOOM the reveal that our starbuck was frakking BALTAR??? :eek::confused:

Some very “superior ass-hole” moments between Lee and Starbuck following Baltar’s drunken boasts.

lot’s of great Baltar moments overall, his rant at both Head Six and the president (and poor confused Billy), some nice acting on Head six’s part, she looked genuinely puzzled when Giaus, to coin a phrase “went off on one”.

Both myself and Pernfann commented on head six’s wadrobe choices for this more serious episode, perhaps reflecting the tone of what was going on.

Some lovely flight moments too and surprises, when the three raptors jumped in, ony to have one taken out within seconds by colliding with a cylon raider, boom.

There were some other things in this episode, but I shall leave them for Pernfann to comment on :D.

on the “Sore from 1 hour PT session but have booked next one for sat, crom help me” ID

What Phaze failed to comment on here, that we discussed to some extent on Skype when it happened, was Kara’s lovely little reveal during sex… calling Lee’s name when she was in bed with Gaius. No wonder she was so pissed later when Lee was giving her hell about it!!

Also… when Six slammed Gaius’s head into the mirror… my frame rate is a tad faster than Phaze’s, and still, I knew PRECISELY when it happened, based purely on the reaction I heard from him lol.

It was a really good episode, though there were some rocky scenes with Boomer that put a darker cast on all of it.