And so it begins......

My dearest Phazedout… what you fail to realize is that I’m quite capable of having those questions all on my own, thank you very much. Laughs No, seriously, I said that our Sharon did not know she was a Cylon, not that the Caprica Sharon didn’t know. Clearly, not every Sharon believes herself to be human, since the Sharon that was revealed at the end of the miniseries KNEW she was Cylon, and not, in fact, human. I have no idea if the Caprica Sharon knows what she really is or not, but it’s a good question.

we watched water (S01E02) tonight, there was much discussion about the motivation of the Sharon on Galactica, whether she knew what she was doing with the detonators, whether in fact or not she planted them, at the point where she’s found the water and cannot tell her partner about it both of us were shouting at the screen for her to call him over or for him to look at it.

The obviously transparent covering by Tyrell for sharon was nice, also a beautiful counterpoint with the lack of water Galactica and Heli and Caprica Sharon being half drowned by rain, not something I noticed the first time through.

I’m really enjoying this audio frak party, it enables me to see the episodes a whole new way, I’ve only seen pretty much everything up to season 4 once so I’m noticing soo many new things.

Pernfann will (and I’ll prompt her if I have to) contribute her own thoughts afterwards.
on the “Gotta drive an unfamiliar car 140km or so tomorrow morning to get there for 9:!5 AM” ID

that’s a lot of thoughts. I think my thoughts at this stage of early BSG episodes was…“Grace Park is foine”.

actually that was pretty much my thoughts through out the series.

Laughs Phazedout is true to his word, no sooner did he manage to post HIS reaction to “Water” than he was nagging me… Clears throat Ahem, encouraging me… to add my own thoughts.

It cracks me up just how often we wind up shouting/saying the same things to the show. And yes, we actually speak TO the show, not that either of us expects the show to respond lol.

It was an interesting episode, though I have a feeling that will be an applicable term for most of the episodes in this season/series. I love the president, she’s an amazingly well-written character. Just when you think she’s all strong about being the president, you’ll see a moment of weakness or self doubt in which her humanity shines through. Still don’t like Six, though Phaze thinks I might like a Six that is in season three. We’ll see! I think that the actress who plays Sharon is incredibly talented. That scene in the Raptor, when she’s fighting herself about announcing the water she’d found, and when she’s fighting herself about the bomb under her seat, is incredible. The struggle in her face, the emotions you can see there, bring life and depth to her character that I’ve seen a lot of actors try and fail to achieve.

And to that I say…“Giggedy” :smiley:

are you reducing my and pernnfan intellectual breakdown of bsg to a quagmire level?

I’m not complaining mind, just asking.

oh and btw by “right after” she meant like, 13 hours later :stuck_out_tongue:
but of course YMMV
on the “really hoping this post doesn’t get me in trouble but kinda doubting it tbh” ID

Just out of curiosity, when are you going to drop in the movies? I’d imagine The Plan will probably be a lot later in a “first watch” than a rewatch because it spoils certain huge surprises. Razor would probably be good any time after Captain’s Hand though.

First time through, you’re best off watching them in airdate order.

Phaze, Phaze, dear Phaze. You are in SO much trouble, you don’t even realize. For the record, folks, it was NOT thirteen hours after we watched the episode. I know this for a few very solid reasons. First, thirteen hours after we watched the episode, I was solidly ASLEEP. Second, I distinctly remember having the thought, when he told me to leave my feedback, that we’d barely finished the show, and already he posted about the episode?? Very fast, Phaze, very fast. :wink:

Well, Phaze and I finally decided that we’re going to take turns posting our thoughts about the episodes as we watch them. Since he went last time, “Bastille Day” is mine to critique.

I swear, I think Phaze was nearly off his chair laughing at me when, late in the episode, I got irritated with the guy who was holding everyone hostage, and told the character “for frak’s sake”. Phaze loves that I’m ‘engaging with the show. It means I was right to suggest it to you’. Yes, Phaze, you were right. I like the fact that they kept the smaller story arc from last week, i.e. the investigation into the theftof the detonators, even while working on the main story arc for this week. Really, do Adama and Lee continue bite each other heads off throughout the ENTIRE series??? It’s like, the instant imminent danger has faded, those two go after each other again. Why can’t they realize just how dire their situation is, even in the seemingly calm moments?? It shall be interesting to see how that progresses.

Plus, who doesn’t love Starbuck’s little crew meeting in Lee’s absence??

And did you catch that the guy holding Apollo and his people hostage was… Apollo from the original BSG? Zarek’s a great character. I just relistened to the crew’s 2 hour interview with Richard Hatch today, and it was just as interesting as I remembered

tbh starsaber she caught it because well… I told her about it, as to my thoughts on the ep, I have more thoughts on our shared experience watching it, we kept referring to “the two apollos”, has pernfann loo up a current piccie of Dirk Benedct, he has not aged as well as Richard, must be all those Cigars :groucho:.

Noepisode tonight alas, D&D commitmets on her side and I hve a social obligation tomorrow evening so next ep will be watched Sunday.
on the “just bought LOTR on blu ray, not the extended edition but it was onl 20 euro for all three movies, compared to 80 for the extended ones” ID

sorry to double post, but it’s my turn :stuck_out_tongue:

tonight we watched episode 4, which opens with starbuck in the process of crashing on to a planet and trying to reach the eject but, form then we get flashbacks to initially recent, then much further back in the past.

It’s a wonderful exploration of Starbucks backstory, with some truly touching and also pain inducing scenes of revaltion between Starbuck, Lee and Adama.

We did have some small shouting at the screen moments, mostly when Adama is pushing Lee to reveal what Starbuck did with Zach.

Also very enjoyable were her scenes with the Nuggets, I get the feeling we’re going to see a lot more of them.

Pernfann m’dear, I leave further comments to you.
on the “I’ve got the fan going and most of the windows in the house open and it’s 11:!5 pm” ID

In the last episode you’ll find out Prof Plum did it in the conservatory with the pipe wrench. Now you can let that poor girl go back to the manhater…ummm, I mean Lifetime channel;)

It’s been fun reading these posts. Makes me seriously want to do a rewatch. Gods, how I do love BSG !!! Thanks

Grins Phaze is making me wait until Sunday before getting to see what the frak happens to Starbuck Pretends to pout Can you believe how unfair that is???

Seriously, this was a good episode. I hadn’t realized just how deeply Starbuck had been attached to Zack before this episode, but the interaction between her and Adama, both before he learns what she did with Zack, and after it is gut wrenchingly poignant.

Wow, that was a seriously good episode. “You Can’t Go Home Again” We just finished watching this episode, and I really really enjoyed it. I’ve taken to making notes on the episodes that I’m supposed to comment on, since otherwise I forget what I wanted to say lol. I get so caught up in the episode that I forget earlier parts that I wanted to comment on. Stand out moments in this episode were:

Head Six’s blue dress - it was more absent than there, I think, but it was a stunner!

Pop Tarts - when they popped up out of the toaster, the Cylon was alerted to their presence. So, the toaster alerted the toaster?? Yes, that WAS mentioned mid episode by myself and Phaze, and yes, we laughed profusely over it.

Starbuck in the Cylon raider - to be precise, her comment “Safety tip #1, don’t touch that” said when she grabbed onto part of the interior of the raider and the guns went off.

Painting “star” and “buck” on the underside of the raider’s wings

And finally, Adama and Kara’s final scene - where he kisses her forehead and then gives her his last cigar. This, to me at least, is directly linked back to where he told Lee that Kara was family. His behavior here is very evident of that fact.

I loved this episode, and feel it is an excellent counterpoint to its first half.

Yeah, this was great. Slight correction though, the “Star Buck” on the Raider’s wings was duct tape. Not sure how she got it on there considering she was out of oxygen, but small quibble.

i assumed she was able to fill her leaking oxygen tank to allow her outside for a little while…

slight quibble back, I don’t belive the oxygen tank was leaking, she simply had a limited air supply, it’s possbile there was enough positive pressure in the raider to refill the supply, or she could have simply hyperventilated and popped out to apply it, strikes me as something starbuck would do.

I’d actually forgotten about the name under the wings, it was a nice link as we knew she had duct tape in her survival gear from when she taped up her leg.

We both cheered when we saw starbuck recognised by apollo. I was also encouraging her, we are aware, even at this early stage that Starbuck can fly pretty much anything with wings.

Questions though, what’s going on with Caprica Sharon, she’s vanished, did the toasters kill her? (and yeah toaster in the toaster, class act).

As for head six’s blue dress? I’m not saying any more on the topic, I’m in enough trouble as it is.
on the “Game of thrones is what we’ll frak tonight, will try and squeeze in a BSG episode if there’s time but unlikely” ID