At the top of the list should be the original run of the Tick, which was written, drawn and created by Ben Edlund, who wrote your favorite episode of Firefly, “Janestown” (he also executive produced the show, and has producer and writing credits on “Angel” and “Lost”). Really cool guy.
Everyone needs to read “Watchmen”. It is truly one of the most amazing examples of the heights of sophistacation the genre of sequential art can achieve. Written by comics grandmaster Alan Moore, it’s a great work. And on that Alan Moore kick, you really should track down “Whatever Happened To the Man of Tomorrow”, which is the self-proclaimed last Superman story. If you have never appreciated what could be done with the character who has it all, it’s an amazingly subtle and touching story about the Man of Steel. And while I’m pimping hard for Alan Moore, check out “Promethea”, which is his take on the Wonder Woman mythos (it’s a meta-fictional story that treats the character as real, as generational, as fictitious and a archetypal…really fun). Oh, and “Top Ten”, which is a police procedural drama, but in a Super-City policed by super-heroes and science fiction characters. Funny as all get out, and a “Where’s Waldo” of comic and sci-fi easter eggs.
For Audra, she should check out “Bone”, “Rose” and “Castle Waiting” for her fantasy fix. They are all just great epics with a wonderful fantasy/adventure feel to them. Great educational and literary reads.
For Sean you should check out X-O Manowar, an old Valiant book created by Bob Layton and Jim Shooter (who was Marvel’s old editor in chief, and the tallest person I’ve ever met). It’s about this Visigoth barbarian who gets abducted by space aliens and who steals one of their super-armors, destroys their ship and gets stranded in modern day Manhattan (in the 90’s). It’s Conan in a can, and is still one of my favorite titles.
Anyways, those are my picks for you. Happy hunting.