Your comics list

I know I may be dating myself here but if you really needed to read some great comics with some great art, I recommend some of the Image Originals from the late 80’s early 90’s. Whilce and Portico did some excellent work back then. Some of these title were developed under the WildStorm lable developed by Jim Lee


Only Spawn was any good past the first 25 comics but they are all a great read 1 to 25

There can be only one:


Did I err?

They’re making a Groo movie!
Ain’t it Cool: 5 paragraphs down

I’m currently reading:

Battlestar Galactica: Season Zero
Battlestar Galactica: Origins
Pax Romana
Anna Mercury
Bomb Queen
Star Trek: Assignment Earth
Star Trek: Year Four
Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering
Wild Cards
Black Summer
Batman: Confidential

I know, I read some lesser known comics. Just the way I like it.

Hm. I’m gonna go through it week by week I guess with June as an example:

1st Week, June 4

American Dream
Invincible Iron Man
Kick Ass
Punisher War Journal
Secret Invasion
Young X-men

Week 2, June 11

Captain Britain and MI:13
Marvel Illustrated: 3 Musketeers
New Avengers
Newuniversal: Shockfront
Punisher MAX Special: Little Black Book
Secret Invasion: Who Do You Trust
Skaar: Son of Hulk
The Last Defenders
X-Force Special: Ain’t No Dog

Week 3, June 18

Captain America
Guardians of the Galaxy
Incredible Hercules
Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas
Marvel 1985
Punisher MAX
Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four

Week 4, June 25

Avengers: The Iniative
Immortal Iron Fist
Mighty Avengers
Ms. Marvel
New Avengers
New Warriors
Power Pack: Day One
Thor: Age of Thunder
Ultimates 3
Uncanny X-Men
X-Men Legacy
Young Avengers Presents

Gods damn…I’d be broke if I bought comics

My current monthly list is heavy on the superheroes, but I enjoy it all the same:

Action Comics
Amazing Spider-Man (though probably not for long)
Dynamo 5
Proof (not a superhero, but a great monster/paranormal humor-adventure comic)
X-Men: First Class (the only X title I read)
The End League

Also, with my almost-7 year old son: the late lamented JLU; Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st Century; DC Superfriends (a little bit too young for him, actually, but he is still seemingly enjoying it); and the Marvel Adventures Spider-Man and (less frequently now) Fantastic Four digests.

For a while I was getting LOTS of Batsverse comics but 52 weeks did me in and now I’m getting only Batman and the Outsiders. I signed up for the Batgirl mini that starts. . .sometime this summer.

I also get Buffy Season 8, Angel season 5 and Angel spin-offs, I get Astonishing X-Men and the Runaways. (I got the Runaways pre-Joss and will probably get them post-Joss too.) I’m getting the Dresden Files mini. (I assume it’s just going to be those four.) And (most embarrassingly) I’ve been getting the Supernatural comics.

Fellow fan of “The Bat”? Awesome! If you got any good suggestions (what’s that Batgirl mini?), drop a line or two in the Batman thread, I’d appreciate it.

By the way, I was not paid to do this, and you should always support a local comic store when possible, but is an awesome website that gets you at least a 30-40% discount on all your pre-ordered comics. Check it out – I was put onto it by the folks at the Comic Geek Speak podcast, and think any comics readers over here at GWC would be wise to try it out, too. Also, they have fantastic customer service. Give them a try!

not too bad–don’t overpay. check out quarter boxes, particularly at cons–you’ll probably be able to find a lot of the series for cheap