X Men

I was on the fence about the New Xmen but after reading that I think I will have to pick up a Graphic Novel and check it out. Any suggestion which one to read first?

There are 2 New X-Men series, Start at the start with Germ-Free Generation, or just get the big-ass omnibus, it’s expensive, but it does lok nice on a shelf, and can break a toe if you drop it.

haha yea hate those books that break toes! Thanks I will have to try and pick you up!

They actually just re-released the whole New X-Men arc from Morrison in 3 cheap trade paperbacks: 1, 2 and 3
And they’re probably less prone to break a toe (or maybe just a freakishly small toe)

Thanks there on my amazon wish list! you know I stopped collecting right before this Grant Morrison era.