How about X Men? I’ve been reading both the Astonishing and the Amazing series. Different but both good! Even my hubby read them!!
I’ve never been a fan of American comics but I’ve found myself getting into X Men since I saw the movies.
I went out and bought the first 5 volumes of the Essential X Men, and am enjoying reading those, good fun when my brain can’t take too much of a battering after a hard day at work.
As a kid I almost learned how to read with the X-Men back in Paris
I’ve started reading X-Men again a few years ago after abandoning comics in the 90s. And I’m happy to report that it’s pretty good again these days Especially the current stellar (literally) run of Joss Whedon on Astonishing X-Men and the Xcellent crossover from last year Messiah CompleX.
IMHO, if you had to select the 3 best X-Men stories ever told it would be:
These 3 must-read stories (all of them available in trade paperbacks for pretty cheap on Amazon) are at the core of what the X-Men are about and what they’re telling about us when they’re at their best, a metaphor on what it means to be different.
So, you’re reading them every night then?
Actually I’ve been reading them during the day when I should be working…
Hey, I had my phone on, that’s working isn’t it ? … looks around warily
I started reading the new New X-men a couple years back. They are OK. The premise is interesting, but I found the stories lacking something. Any thoughts?
I read Grant Morrison’s New X-Men, too. I liked his character Xorn in particular. He was fundamentally different, poetic and unselfish. He had a star for a brain and desperately tried to understand the world he was in. I think he saw the world in 6D. I think his latter stories fell kind of flat, like GM got bored, and I hated the reveal that Xorn wasn’t real, particularly since it had no sense in the context of the story (drug-abusing, insane mutants don’t tend to be too savvy, after all) but it had promise.
spoiler i guess but its been around a while so
I’ve been reading the whedon run on Astonishing and it was just about the best telling of X-men i’ve read. There was the obvious Joss flare to writing, i after the run i would have thought Him the perfect writer for any new x-men movies. not that that’ll ever happen but still. Bravo
Highlights for me
What Emma did to Wolverines mind and how He got his Mojo back
The Agent calling Beast cookie monster
Beast telling the agent to stop looking at him like he’s a ton-ton
Is that dragon thing behind me?
and my favorite
The giant wall carving of Collosus Destroying the planet
Where would y’all recommend someone new to X Men start out? I like reading things from the beginning but the comic has been out for so long, that doing so in this case doesn’t seem like a good idea.
see i’m not new to x-men but i haven’t read regularly since recently so were kind of in the same boat, but when i chose to start i ignored the original stuff, and just started mid issues, the girl that worked at comic shop helped me out, so i started with astonishing X-men (cause i love Joss 's writing) now i’m onto New x-men which is good although i’m still playing catch up )
So i would try to find some art that touches you or a writer that gets you and just buy a few and go from there, but reading decades worth of comics to catch up is crazy and expensive.
I always sugest people start with Grant Morrisons NEW X MEN and hold on to the end, even with some frankly appalling art it’s a very manic pop-sci-fi story. It also stays in the X-Men universe, theres no crossovers to worry about, just the evolution of Cyclops into bad-ass pimp.
That story then carries on into Joss Whedon/John Cassiday’s ASTONISHING X-MEN. Pretty much a sequel to Morrisons run (even if the second book seems to have missed the point of the whole Genosha story). Astonishing is again self-contained and well worth it.
Atonishing X-Men i now continuing with Warren Ellis at the wheel, the first issue just came out, and it… feels like a Warren Ellis book.
Hey, my first post. FUN!
I haven’t been keeping up with X-men for a few years now. Some trades I’d recommend are The Phoenix Saga, X-Cutioner’s Song, Days of Future Past, Fatal Attractions, Legion Quest, Age of Apocalypse, and the Marvel Onslaught saga
I would start with what is called the “Golden Age” of the X-Men with writer Chris Claremont (who was writing the X-Men for 17 years in a row!) and artist John Byrne. You should definitely read God Loves, Man Kills, Days of Future Past and finally The Dark Phoenix Saga from this period.
Then you could jump forward to the great run by writer Grant Morrisson with New X-Men.
And finally the new flagship of the X-titles being Astonishing X-Men, the Joss Whedon run on this series (from issue #1 to 25) is pretty amazing.
Starting last week, the new issue of Astonishing X-Men (#26) has a new creative team and is also a great jump in point as the X-Men decide to start a brand new life by moving their HQ to San Francisco. It got great reviews so far.
Are you serious? That makes me so depressed. What happened? Did the mansion blow up for the umpteenth time? So did Northstar join the team? :rolleyes:
Yep, the mansion’s been destroyed again. And Northstar has been on the team for ages, except for the short while he was a Hand assassin… he specifically seems to be teaching the gay X-kids. Which is nice.
Messiah Complex got me back into X-men after a eh 'bout a year hiatus. Now I’m real interested in where it’s going with the move to San Fran and such. Anyone else reading the Cable series? So good.
Does he have his own book again? I’ve been meaning to go back read the Cable/Deadpool run.
Astonishing is really good. I’ve been reading the Chris Claremont Essentials.It is good but definately a bit aged. Each issue tells one story so they will last you a while.
Cable has indeed his own book again and it’s called… wait for it… Cable. I haven’t read it yet, waiting for the first trade paperback.
Even with his convoluted story I like Cable, he’s a great character (probably one of the only “new” characters from the 90s still around here).
I was so into Cable and the whole Summers saga back in the 90s. Apocalypse hasn’t resurfaced has he?