Which summer movie are you most looking forward to?

GR, that doesn’t make sense. How could she be Russian? Only English and German people can be the bad guys. Duh.

Right. Only in British movies are Russians bad guys. Which reminds me, I need to see GoldenEye again.

Arabs are becoming the new villians now it seems or the Korens like in the James Bond movie b4 the Casino Royale remake.

I can’t wait for Indy 4, then The Dark Knight and Iron Man

Hmm…it seems to be a eastern advancing geographical phenomena. Villians in the US are British. Villians in British movies are Russian. Who are villians in German movies? Mongolians?

The Japanese. They come to Europe and snatch away all our women because they have no breast hair.

Ewwww…breast hair.

yes don’t you hate those g-d damn mongolians


Yeah. I’m gonna need you to build a Wall. That’d be Great. Yeah.

Check this out. Does anyone else know about this?
I think it comes out tomorrow in limited release.
If I didn’t have a little one, it’s the kind of film I’d be first in line for.


David Fincher and Spike Jonze producing a Tarsem Singh (The Cell) film. A narrated fantastical allegory with amazing art direction and cinematography…
Yah, I’d have been there.

That looks awesome. Beautiful cinematography (like The Cell) and an intriguing cast of characters, at least based on that trailer. And it’s got the Piemaker. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, the nearest place it’s playing is a four-hour drive :frowning:

If I didn’t have a little one, it’s the kind of film I’d be first in line for.

It looks like the movie has a kid in it, so it has to be kid-friendly. That’s the way it works, right? :rolleyes:

OK, saw this as a preview before Iron Man:


Now the question is: should Baltar sue them for adapting his story? or: should Ron Moore have casted Mike Myers as Baltar?

Ha. At 20 mos., if it’s not The Wiggles or Backyardigans, she ain’t sittin’ still for more than 10 minutes, tops.

No, I’m afraid that my going to midnight premieres is postponed to oh, I don’t know, the day my little girl decides she wants to see the opening of Enchanted 10, Highschool Musical-the Next Generation or Harriet Potter-Daddy’s Little Wiz.
Not much solace there.

Ah, I love to hear of the joys of parenting. :smiley:

Hey, it’s not forever…my 7 yr old son is really getting into Doctor Who and my 4 year old daughter will tolerate SOME things beyond Nick Jr. and Playhouse Disney. Midnight showings are still out unless RonMooreHasPrettyHair comes over to babysit, though.


Iron Man, Dark Knight and IJ4 without question.

I chose Dark Knight simply 'cos it’s a farewell to a favourite Aussie son, Heath Ledger. And it will also be awesome!


Ironman and Indiana Jones.

I’ve been waiting for a new Indy movie for decades.

Any chance you played the old Indiana Jones adventure games by LucasArts? Last Crusade and Fate of Atlantis? I was so hoping they would turn Fate of Atlantis into a movie…

I chose Dark Knight because … well, Batman Begins was the best comic book movie in years.

And I saw the trailer for Sex and the City before Indy, and it just reminded me how ugly Sarah Jessica Parker is. Also untalented.

Totally, completely and utterly seconded.

I am sneaking cosmopolitans into Sex in the City.