I’d have to say The X-Files I want to believe.
Indiana gets my vote.
Da da da dum, dum da dahhhhh…
I’m bummed that I could only choose one! But, since I did I had to choose Indy…followed in a close second by X Files.
Indy all the way especially because I was too little (and we didn’t see many movies in the theaters when I was a child) to see the first three in the theaters… though I do have fond memories of the Diet Coke commercial on the VHS before Last Crusade starts…
I wasn’t even born when Raiders came out and I just LOVE Indy. I even watched the TV series religiously :o
Never mind that earlier comment. They have released new LEGO Indiana Jones awesomeness and I’m ordering this item right now!
I wasn’t even born when ANY came out, so I know how you feel.
Did you hear that they are coming out with a Lego Indiana Jones video game just like the Lego Star Wars games? My son and husband LOVE the Lego SW games so we’re looking forward to this. Oh, and the clerk at our local video game store told us that the rumor is that they are also developing a Lego Batman game.
New LEGO games does ring a bell. My little brother has the Star Wars LEGO games and yes, they’re very cool. I haven’t played a video/PC game in ages (I’m thinking about re-playing old LucasArts adventures, though), but if a LEGO Indy or Batman game came out, I guess I just couldn’t resist…
It feels odd that the only film coming close to catching my interest is Speed Racer. I have been more of a fan of works by Jeff MacPherson and Kevin Gamble as of late. Then again, those two are more known as Dr. Tiki and Johnny Johnny.
This is not good. Maybe I should do a short for Sundance or CineVegas on my own? What would that be about, though?
A group of people obsessed with an online forum for a scifi show?
Oh come on, where could you possibly find such a nerdy group of people?
Oh geez! I forgot about Dark Knight! I want to see that one too!
Ok…I have made my decision. I vote for Indy. However, let me be clear on one point…not only is this the summer movie I am most looking forward to, this is the summer movie I am most worried they are going to screw up. Seriously. The black haired woman in the trailer seems a little "comic book"esque and I am seriously worried that they are trying to go back down the Temple of Doom path.
Maybe that is how this franchise works. One bad, one good. One bad, one good.
I don’t know - the black haired woman is Cate Blanchett - she’s an award winning actress so I’m thinking she’s going to be pretty good. And the female villains in Indy are always pretty cheesy…
No, that was Star Trek. What I’m a little disappointed of is that they didn’t use the story from “Fate of Atlantis.”
The adjective you’re looking for is “geeky”
See, I’m already worried that I am going to be spending half the movie thinking, “Hey, that’s Cate Blanchett in a black wig. Wow, her hair is really, really black in this. She looked better as Galadriel with the blond hair. Why did they make it SO black?” and so on. And unless her accent is spot-on, I’m going to be thinking, “Wow, Cate Blanchett does a lousy German accent. Why couldn’t they just make her a Nazi who attended university in England or something…” and like that. And I’m REALLY worried that Harrison Ford is going to be all paunchy and testosterone-challenged, and I’ll be thinking, “Wow, I wish they had made this one a few years earlier, couldn’t they have agreed on a script in the 1990’s, Indy has a turkey neck and his hands are all swollen up like Cavil’s”…
God I hope I’m wrong !! I am completely stoked for Indy4.
Wait! I thought Blanchett portrays a Russian/Soviet?