
I’ve been thoroughly enjoying Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 and Angel season six and the Serenity or Firefly minis when we’ve had them.

Anyone else following these books?

I’ve read the first Firefly graphic novel and enjoyed it. I haven’t had a chance to pickup any of the new Firefly comics that are coming out now. Hopefully in a couple of weeks when I’m traveling I can stop at an actual comic book store and get some stuff!

There really aren’t that many! The Three-parter “Better Days” just finished and there is supposed to be a Book story coming out. . . sometime. I don’t know when.

Better Days is finished? When does the paperback come out?

I am lusting after the FF novels/comics, but haven’t gotten to them yet… it will probably be a while, sadly.

I’m reading them all. Loving Buffy Season 8 - not so much loving the Serenity or the Angels - though I’ll keep reading them.

looks like next month–discount comic book service has it on special for $4.97


yep, I’m a big fan of all, but sadly haven’t kept up. I’m waiting on all the trade paperbacks to come out- I tried collecting them one at a time with the Buffy Season 8’s, but fell behind as the paychecks were needed elsewhere.

Looking forward to treating myself a tpb at a time…

No, I meant the collection of all parts paperback, looks like November or so.

TFAW says October 29th.


Looks good!

And there is a Spike After the Fall preview picture here.

Technically Buffy and Serenity are both dark horse by the by. Anyways I just finished Buffy season 8 and I am loving it. So close to the show its not even funny.

I’m read’em too… I really have been enjoying Buffy season 8… I really liked what they did with Dracula… Poor Xander…

Did anyone else hate the artwork for Serenity Better Days?

And Angel currently has my brain is mooosh-mode… But…I too shall keep reading…

The cover artwork for Serenity Better Days was absolutely terrible. The actual panels weren’t as bad.

I actually hate the artwork for Angel Season 6 way more.

I agree… Jo Chen needs to do all of Joss’ cover art… She’s really cool…
I hear that some of the Angel characters will cross over in to the Buffy comic… I read that in the back of the latest Buffy comic… They don’t say who though…

I want more Spike comics… He’s way better as a loner…heheeheheee

What about the cover of Angel: ATF #12?

I think it looks great.

I know that Serenity and Buffy are Dark Angel but Angel and Spike are not.

That is a pretty cool cover sumik…

I can’t wait for the: Book comics…

wait a minute. buffy/angel are part of the same universe as firefly/serenity? i haven’t watched firefly yet ( i know, i know. i’m working on it. next on my list, i swear.), but it’s my understanding that it takes place in the same universe as the Alien movies, with the whole Chinese/American culture thing, and all the outer space goodness. have i been mislead?

and, assuming i haven’t been mislead, does that mean we could potentially see an Alien Vs Buffy? I’m thinking Mr Pointy’s not going to cut it in that fight.

edit: oh yeah, and also Whedon wrote Alien: Resurrection. so that’s more evidence of the connection, assuming there is one.

Okay first of all - Buffy/Angel take place inthe same universe. Firefly/Serenity takes place in it’s own universe and does not have any relationship to the Alien universe. There are no aliens in Firefly at all in fact.

The comic book publisher of Buffy and Firefly is Dark Horse. IDW publishes the Angel comics.

hmm. i’d really like for Firefly to be connected to Alien, just because i think it would be interesting. plus the cultures are very similar. Firefly could potentially take place in the same universe if it’s set before the events of the Alien movies, since IIRC humanity had not had contact with alien life before Alien. it’s a stretch, but it’s not impossible. and like i said, they have that shared culture thing going on.

as far as my comment about a Buffy/Firefly connection, i think i was just confused by the term “Whedonverse”. i think i’m still confused by it, but that’s why god made wikipedia.