What's your Galactica callsign?

Like “Shrimp On The Barbie”?

Dog tag, dog tag… DOG tag!

Dingo is her name-o!

or maybe wombat?

Here you go: link

I am sure you will find something lovely there for ol’Cackleberry.

I like “Banana bender”, it sounds naughty. Like in “you can bend MY banana - IYKWIM!”…

Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: We are being sent to a safe area away from the disturbance. Our job will be to divert traffic away from the trouble zone, and to protect public property. You will have live ammunition, but there will be no call to use it - TACKLEBERRY! Do you understand, numbnuts?

There’s always numbnuts.

Wow! This thread kind of exploded while I was asleep! So many cool suggestions. And your link to the Aussie slang page is surprisingly accurate Solai.

Now I’m finding it hard to pick! Maybe Intro? 'Cause it kind of describes what I do, or is that too obvious?

And yes, it’s Michaela, althought lots of people spell it differently :wink:

That’s a fine choice :wink:

I aim to please! :smiley:

Intro is fine, and props to Pike for that…but that was a one timer…perhaps there is something that resonates more deeply with you, that represents you more?

…although Intro is pretty sweet.



Hmmm, I agree that there is probably something more personal lurking in my brain. But I think Intro is pretty cool. I think I read earlier in this thread I need to go and save the image and send something to you?

Wow, this is weird, I was just going to say good morning to you, but then realized that the time difference between Central Europe and Australia is even greater than the one between Central Europe and the US.

Anyway, you just PM Solai with your final pick and he’ll get the dog tag for you, which you’re supposed to save in your own photo repository.

Cool thanks, GalaxyRanger. Yes, it is 4pm here. My boyfriend is working in London at the moment which makes it very tricky to be able to talk on the phone. I usually end up staying up really late.

or possibly “emcee”?

Oooo, I like that.

I also liked:

I think I will decide tomorrow after I’ve thought about it.

oops! sorry, UD–you came up with it long before I did

True, but it was a bit different :slight_smile:

Well my forum name is what I’d want for a call sign…

That is actually the only rule I enforce…you can’t have your forum handle be your callsign. It would be like someone using your real name as a nickname.

UGH! I don’t know!!!

Callsign, “DUNNO”