What's your Galactica callsign?

We’re all waiting for you to call dibs on it, of course.

His callsign should just be “IYKWIM”

You pronounce it Ick-whim.

Boned as in We’re Boned! That would be mine! :smiley:

I actually think someone has that one. Will check…BRB.

EDIT: Nope, boned is free. I was thinking of “Bone Man” which Phil has.

Then that’s it, since I tend to make that happen to situations :wink:

Ok Solai. I’ve slept on it and I would like Intro. I’m a simple gal!


Glad to meet you.

The Bone Man

That’s a good one! Probably doesn’t fit Michaela, but it’s laugh.

Yeah, I hear she’s on twitter… maybe one of these days I’ll get off my sorry-barb and get twitter too

I fear confusion during rapid post exchanges.

My guttery eyes see the words RAPID and POST …

No surprise there.

We have “spider” footballer, well AFL, so proper football, not the american grid iron with all that faffing about with 80’s style protective shoulder pads :smiley:

<- Hawthorne Hawks fan in the eighties.

No way! Did you live here?

The Bone Man,

The pleasure is all mine!


Is Hunter taken?

Alright, I’ve figured it out. Since I have spent 4 years now, pwning n00bs, my call sign shall be


As in Pepe Le… ???

As in the sound of ricocheting bullets!