What's Next After BSG??

With BSG near it’s end what shows do we have to fill the void that will be left in it’s wake??

I’m coming up blank with ideas for a good sci fi show to watch…

HELP!! :frowning:

Have you ever tried Deep Space Nine, Farscape or Babylon 5?

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Dollhouse (from Joss Whedon) will both be every friday nights starting February.

Caprica is only one year away :wink:

Firefly, the Clone Wars, Dr. Who, Torchwood.

Terminator has been REALLY mixed this season…
Great eps followed by just crapy ones…

I’m a fan of FireFly but I don’t know how I feel about Dollhouse…

Something I’m looking at right now is “Kings” on NBC. Heard of it?

Chuck said that when BSG ends he’s gonna shut down the website, stop doing the podcast, cancel all our Twitter accounts, refund of that month’s GWC membership dues payments, leave Texas and head west and he’s gonna box FrakkinTalos. It’s sad, I know, but it must be done.

BWhaaaaa!!! :smiley:

<<Deep Space Nine, Farscape or Babylon 5?>>
Not a fan…
I’m a picky Ahole I know! :slight_smile:

You don’t like DS9?



I’m with Cody. But then, I never could get into Star Trek. All that “humanity will eventually all get along, overcome its wars, outgrow money,” treehugging craaaaaap that Gene Roddenberry espoused never did it for me. Now, give me a good distopia and I’m a happy man.

I’d recommend some shows, but I don’t really watch any other sci-fi shows. “Pushing Daisies” is a great little fantasy/fairy tale type show which, sadly, is now off the air (whether the last three episodes will be ever aired still remains to be seen). I also really liked “Rome,” which has some elements similar to BSG but, obviously, isn’t sci-fi (although the ancient world is so alien that it might as well be sometimes, something few swords-and-sandals epics ever did well). For a fun action show I’d recommend “Burn Notice” on USA. It’s not a GREAT show but it’s a very, very good one and a lot of fun. And Tricia Helfer’s in it now with Bruce Campbell, so that’s DOUBLE sci fi cred.

Three Cheers for HBO’s Rome.
A GWC Rome rewatch is a priority I think.

My wife is annoyed when I watch Grey’s Anatomy with her lately I shout out “That’s Lucius Vernius! That’s Lucius Vernius!! Here’s a Roman Legionare!! Man, I bet he can kick the ass of everyone in that hospital!!”

Rome is actually one of my favorite shows.

Other shows with great writing.

Veronica Mars. Friday Night Lights. and if you like the weird freaky show check out Carnivale…well check out pretty much any show that’s on HBO

And Carnivale (though I’ve not seen it) is Ron Moore’s if I’m not mistaken?

As for HBO, I loved, loved, loved Deadwood.

I’m annoyed with you that you aren’t yelling, “That’s President Laura Roslin!” :smiley:

YES!! She was fantastic in those two episodes. Was that all? Is she/does she come back?
I don’t remember whether or not we’re caught up with Grey’s Anatomy—we watched this whole past season via TiVo over the course of a week.

does he play a surgeon. That would explain alot if he is. I just wish he was still on Journeyman that was a stellar show

Hahahaha. I don’t watch the show. My awesome wife shrieked from the tv room, “Come here! Come here! It’s that woman from Battlestar!” I think she was a special guest star, not a recurring role.

His character on Grey’s Anatomy is awesome. He’s an Iraq war veteran, who was a field medic in the war. Because he’s such a tough guy, he doesn’t get phased by the sensitive baloney that goes on in the hospital…but he does.

Her character was amazing. An extraordinary top cardiac surgeon but she’s autistic so has trouble interacting socially.

Well, I could use the cash.

Plus, FIT has been annoying lately…

Alright, I’m OK with this.

I watch a lot of tv shows so I’ll still have plenty to watch after BSG ends, but it is one of the few shows I will really miss after it’s gone. It is going to be really tough next year when Lost ends as well. I don’t see any other shows out there with as much depth and mythology and amazing characters that can step in and take the place of those two shows.

But as for recommending something else in the sci fi/fantasy genre Josh Whedons new Dollhouse might be worth checking out. It even has Tahmoh Penikett playing one of the main characters. Fringe is really good as well. Nowhere near the same league as Lost, so far, but yet another JJ Abrams gem. Finally two of the Sci Fi channel’s own shows worth checking out is Sanctuary and Eureka. Sanctuary started out as just another good, entertaining show about the supernatural but it really picked up steam towards the end of the season and especially the season finally was surprisingly strong. Now I can’t wait to see more. Eureka is completely different from any of the others mentioned but it is great entertainment. Definitely the best comedy sci fi show I have seen with some great, funny actors.

Oh and Caprica of course. Nothing like BSG at all but it should be interesting. As far as I know it is going to have a lot of the same writers and producers.

Thanks homie! :slight_smile:
I like Burn Notice. Life is another good show.